Thanks to the upcoming firmware updates for IGEL Linux users can now easier and faster access to Linux-based thin clients using RFID. The
Bremen 09 April 2015 – With the latest version of the IGEL Linux firmware Bremer thin and zero client vendor for more flexibility and security companies provide. These Evidian software for authentication in the version 5.06.100 of the operating system is integrated. Thus, employees need only once a day a strong authentication using an RFID card perform to open their session. During the day this session the entire corporate network allows easy retrieval by re-presenting the card to the currently used client. So the staff is flexible, can be anywhere access to their data and work effectively. When leaving the workplace, the thin client is automatically blocked by the entrainment of the card and is therefore available for other employees.
The combination of powerful IGEL thin clients and Evidian Single Sign-On relieved both employees and system administrators of password management: Enter passwords, remember and renew is taken over by the SSO. Password policies are adhered to and the helpdesk is exempt from password reset requests. As with IGEL usual, this new function is centralized and profile based remotely administered via the free Universal Management Suite (UMS). By integrating the Evidian software in the IGEL Linux firmware organizations can now effectively save resources for your staff and increase their productivity. An audit and reporting function allows required by law traceability of all registration procedures in the company.
“We are delighted to provide our customers with Evidian another leading single sign-on technology. This is a result of the continuous cooperation with our partners. Thus our customers continuously benefit from the latest security solutions, “Matthias Haas, Director of Product Management commented at IGEL Technology.
The upcoming IGEL Linux release (5.06.100) is available to all x86 systems (UD and IZ Series incl. Udc2) expected in May 2015. As ( ). Currently supported by the integrated solution Citrix and RDP sessions. In the future, other session types and scenarios are planned.
dank des anstehenden Firmware-Updates für IGEL Linuxkönnen Anwender nun einfacher und schneller auf Linux-basierte Thin Clients mittels RFID zugreifen. Dazu ist EvidianSoftware zur Authentisierung in die Version 5.06.100 des Betriebssystems integriert. So brauchen Mitarbeiter nur einmal täglich eine starke Authentisierung mittels einer RFID-Kartedurchführen um ihre Sitzung zu öffnen. Untertags lässt sich diese Sitzung im gesamten Unternehmensnetzwerk durch erneutes Präsentieren der Karte am aktuell genutzten Client einfach abrufen. So ist der Mitarbeiter flexibel, kann überall auf seine Daten zugreifen und effektiv arbeiten. Beim Verlassen des Arbeitsplatzes wird der Thin Client durch das Mitnehmen der Karte automatisch gesperrt und steht somit für andere Mitarbeiter zur Verfügung.