Citrix User Group Community Active

By | June 25, 2020
citrix user group

#UKCUG is alive and kicking!! As well as offering FREE #Citrix Thin & Zero Client demo devices, we’re also giving away a pair of Sennheiser Wireless Headphones! You can win them here –

Since 1999, has been reporting the thin client computing market as well as the ChromeBook, Zero Client, Android clients, Pi Raspberry Clients and Thick Client market. Generally the cloud computing market since it started with companies such as Citrix back in the late 80s.

thin client is a lightweight[vague] computer that has been optimized for establishing a remote connection with a server-based computing environment. The server does most of the work, which can include launching software programs, performing calculations, and storing data. This contrasts with a fat client or a conventional personal computer; the former is also intended for working in a client–server model but has significant local processing power, while the latter aims to perform its function mostly locally.