Category Archives: ScoopIt Thin Client News

Thin Clients, Zero Clients, Android Stations and Cloud Clients
Since 1999, has been reporting the thin client computing market as well as the ChromeBook, Zero Client, Android clients, Pi Raspberry Clients and Thick Client market. Generally the cloud computing market since it started with companies such as Citrix back in the late 80s.

thin client is a lightweight[vaguecomputer that has been optimized for establishing a remote connection with a server-based computing environment. The server does most of the work, which can include launching software programs, performing calculations, and storing data. This contrasts with a fat client or a conventional personal computer; the former is also intended for working in a client–server model but has significant local processing power, while the latter aims to perform its function mostly locally.

Thin client hardware generally supports a keyboard, mouse, monitor, jacks for sound peripherals, and open ports for USB devices (e.g., printer, flash drive, webcam). Some thin clients include legacy serial or parallel ports to support older devices such as receipt printers, scales or time clocks. Thin client software typically consists of a graphical user interface (GUI), cloud access agents (e.g., RDPICAPCoIP), a local web browserterminal emulators (in some cases), and a basic set of local utilities.

Thin client – Activist hedge fund sends open letter to Citrix, claims their execution is “terribly poor.”

Yesterday Elliott Management, a hedge fund firm that owns 7.1% of Citrix’s stock, sent an open letter to Citrix’s board of directors claiming that Citrix is inefficient and lacks focus.


Yesterday Elliott Management, a hedge fund firm that owns 7.1% of Citrix’s stock, sent an open letter to Citrix’s board of directors claiming that Citrix is inefficient and lacks focus.

Light Client Biometric Payment – Google’s Android Fingerprint Sensor Comes With Swedish Touch

Last week, during its yearly and awaited developer conference in San Francisco, Google unveiled Android M, which will be available to the public next


Android M’s fingerprint sensors were developed in cooperation with Swedish Fingerprint Card (FPC). The fingerprint sensor will enable app developers to take advantage of fingerprint sensors securely, eliminating the need for PIN codes or passwords to identify and verify the user.

According to Reuters, Fingerprint shares jumped to a record high at 5.1 percent by 0724 GMT last Friday. Jörgen Lantto, President and Chief Executive Officer of FPC, mentioned during the conference that Fingerprint’s forecast of revenue exceeds $177 million in 2015. Morevoer, he is convinced that the launch of Android M will contribute to the fingerprint sensors’ market growth in 2016, possibly even earlier.

Light Client Biometric Payment – Chase Bank Embraces TouchID |

Across the payments and banking space, there’s been one type of tech that is becoming almost second nature for consumers: fingerprint TouchID. Now, Chase has


As for other notable card networks that have embraced TouchID, American Express already had updated its app to accept the tech last December, when it announced Touch ID was now supported for Amex commercial cards as well as personal account

Google Will Launch Android Pay At I/O Developer Conference |

In two days, thousands of developers, tech enthusiasts, journalists will converge for Google’s annual I/O developer conference. This event is where everyone’s


Android Pay will allow businesses to add mobile payments as an option to their apps, to which users can upload credit card or debit card information with the goal of making transactions single-tap affairs.  The Android Pay API will also allow firms that adopt it to include tap-to-pay transactions in brick-and-mortar stores – leveraging Google’s Host Card Emulation (HCE), which makes it easier for third-party apps to take advantage of Android phones’ Near Field Communications (NFC) chips.

Testing The 12-inch MacBook’s Performance with Windows 10 – Alex King


So maybe it’s ironic that in some regards, the new MacBook runs Windows 10 (a prerelease version, at that) better than it runs OS X. But it’s a testament to two things: Apple’s fantastic MacBook hardware, which is forward-thinking yet surprisingly agile; and Microsoft’s excellent Windows software, which entices and excites with its beautiful interface, useful new features, and rock-solid UI transitions. I’m excited to keep Windows 10 installed on this machine, both now as a preview, and later once the final version is installed. Even hardened OS X diehards owe it to themselves to give it a try.