Elo Backpack Media Player
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Elo Backpack
The Elo Backpack Android compute engine transforms touchscreen monitors and signage displays into commercial-grade systems capable of running audio and video content, interactive HTML webpages and Android-based apps. Users can easily scale our commercial Android platform to many sizes and form factors enabling a consistent deployment that is cost effective and optimized for commercial use. The Backpack also supports industry-leading peripherals for scanning, payment, printing and biometric input. With potential to revolutionize the kiosk architecture, the compute engine simplifies delivery of content and enables remote management capabilities via the EloView® portal.
EloPOS Pack
The EloPOS Pack delivers a powerful enterprise-ready compute platform in a sleek, compact form factor. Backed by the security and infrastructure of a Windows-based system with Intel’s Q370 Chipset and the speed of the Intel’s 9th gen processors, the EloPOS Pack provides the power you need to run your business. With versatile connectivity options, plug in anything from Elo’s latest monitor via single cable USB-C to a legacy printer requiring a 12V powered-USB. The system provides flexibility to make upgrades as your business requirements change.
Elo EssentialEdge™ for Android
Are you looking for ways to make your digital transformation faster, easier and more affordable? Elo EssentialEdge for Android offers everything you need to build and operate interactive solutions for your business. With easy-to-use development kits, robust management tools, world class life cycle management and security, Elo can help you deliver the convenience and familiarity of Android interfaces in a secure, business-friendly way.
Android Kiosk 2.0 – Scalable & Easy to Deploy
With the Elo Backpack, we are introducing kiosk integrators to a new architecture that will lower costs, improve scalability and simplify creation of customized kiosks. Elo’s Kiosk 2.0 architecture introduces a low-power, solid state fan-less computing solution with the capability to scale deployments and remotely manage kiosks out-of-the-box. Combined with Elo’s brilliant commercial-grade touch monitors, integrators can now transform what was a bulky, highly customized kiosk into a sleek and modern design.
Creating beautiful self-service solutions and deploying a kiosk network is now easier than ever!