July 28, 2011

Red Hat and IGEL: Secure, High-Performance Provisioning of Virtual Desktops

IGEL Technology, the world’s leading provider of Linux-based thin clients, has now further expanded its existing collaboration with Red Hat. Effective immediately, all Linux-based thin client solutions available from IGEL can also be used as customized end-user devices for accessing virtual desktops provisioned by means of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization for Desktops.

Red Hat and IGEL: Secure, High-Performance Provisioning of Virtual Desktops

Open Source: IGEL and Red Hat are working together to promote cost-effective provisioning of virtual desktop infrastructures (VDI) with Linux and Windows desktops. The Red Hat Appliance Mode developed by IGEL and the open source SPICE protocol optimize the user experience.

Reading, UK July 28, 2011: IGEL Technology, the world’s leading provider of Linux-based thin clients, has now further expanded its existing collaboration with Red Hat. Effective immediately, all Linux-based thin client solutions available from IGEL can also be used as customized end-user devices for accessing virtual desktops provisioned by means of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization for Desktops. As a result, both companies together now offer a high-performance, open source solution for accessing Windows or Linux-based virtual desktops.

With the support of IGEL's newly developed Appliance Mode for Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization for Desktops, system administrators can offer their users fast, secure and direct access to virtual desktops. A device running in Appliance Mode comes up with the VDI log-on screen within just a few seconds after the unit has been powered on. This approach simplifies and accelerates the log-on process dramatically.

The IGEL Appliance Mode for Red Hat can also be configured as optional. In some usage scenarios IGEL thin clients also require parallel access to centralized applications in other IT infrastructures, such as IBM mainframes, Windows Remote Desktop Services or cloud services, which can be directly accessed via the integrated Firefox web browser.

An open source Hypervisor
One main advantage of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization for Desktops is the hypervisor utilizing the open source kernel-based virtual machine virtualization (KVM) technology together with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernel. This open source virtualization solution is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, which has demonstrated its quality in many years of enterprise deployment and is well known for its high scalability, security and performance.

High Performance with SPICE
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization for Desktops allows even highly demanding application workloads to be virtualized. For instance, among others, it supports the new server chipsets in the Intel Xeon 7500 and 5600 series and the AMD Opteron 6000 series, providing optimized consolidation and virtual machine performance. The open source protocol SPICE, also supported by IGEL, allows the transfer of this high quality user experience down to the client. “Especially for multimedia content, SPICE offers high-quality and an enhanced user experience by optimally utilizing the graphics performance available on thin clients without the need of local video codecs.” explains Florian Spatz, Product Marketing Manager at IGEL Technology. “In order to detect multimedia content and transmit it in an optimized manner to the thin client, the protocol emulates a complete graphics card. In this respect, SPICE is superior to the protocols already established on the market.”

Customized Security
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization for Desktops utilizes SELinux, which was developed in cooperation with the United States Department of Defense and the National Security Agency (NSA) along with companies such as IBM, HP and MITRE. SELinux provides critical isolation between virtual or individual machines and the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Hypervisor. This offers an exceptional level of security to enterprises. In line with this philosophy, IGEL also offers numerous standard and optional security functions such as support for external and internal (on-board) smartcard readers, protocol encryption and integrated VPN clients. Additionally the IGEL thin client management is certificate-based and encrypted.

Soft Migration
Consistent with the cost-efficient solution offered by Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization for Desktops, IGEL’s Universal Desktop Converter (UDC) also includes both a SPICE client and the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS). IGEL’s UDC software allows older, legacy PCs, notebooks and dedicated thin clients from other manufacturers to be converted into remotely manageable IGEL thin clients. By utilizing the UDC companies can prolong their desktop lifecycles and at the same time gain most of the advantages of a thin client infrastructure. As soon as the converted devices suffer age-related hardware failures, they can be easily replaced by a real IGEL thin client. Within minutes, the new device will be automatically configured over the network and immediately be ready for use.

“With its industry-leading expertise in Linux-based thin clients, IGEL has proven to be a valuable partner for us,” explains Aram Kananov, the Cloud & Virtualization Product Marketing Manager at Red Hat GmbH. “IGEL Universal Desktop products running Linux superbly fit our own approach to providing solutions and augment it. In fact, we quite often use IGEL Universal Desktops as demonstration devices at several of our customer events.”

“Our partnership with Red Hat truly demonstrates the great strengths of the open source movement – security, cost-effectiveness and a strong focus on answering real world business challenges,” notes Florian Spatz, Product Marketing Manager at IGEL Technology. “With Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization for Desktops, we are pleased to be able to offer our customers an attractive solution for the provisioning of virtual desktops.

About IGEL Technology
IGEL Technology is one of the world’s largest thin client vendors and is Europe’s market leader in linux based Thin Clients (IDC 2011). The company produces one of the industry’s widest range of thin clients, based on Linux and Microsoft Windows, giving customers access to almost any form of server-based infrastructure and application including virtual desktops from VMware, Citrix Xen, RedHat or Microsoft, terminal services, legacy applications via Ericom PowerTerm terminal emulation, web, Java, SAP and VoIP. Form factors include traditional desktops and integrated LCD units as well as the world’s leading software for PC to TC conversion. IGEL Thin Clients come bundled at no extra cost with a remote management suite called UMS that guarantees hassle free and secure remote configuration and administration of thin clients as well as migrated PCs.

IGEL Technology GmbH
Dr. Frank Lampe
Hanna-Kunath-Str. 31
28199 Bremen
Tel.: 0421 / 52094 1300
Fax: 0421 / 52094 1399
E-Mail: [email protected]

UK Press Contact
Paul Smith
The Amber Group
Tel: +44 (0)7770 828525
Email: [email protected]

Posted by Staff at 02:31 PM | Comments (0)

Anwendungswildwuchs: Zentralisierung der IT würde Milliarden einsparen

Laut einer Studie von HP verschlingt der Applikationswildwuchs jährlich 12 Milliarden Euro. Beispiele aus Wirtschaft und Verwaltung zeigen: Zentrale IT-Infrastrukturen mit Thin Clients erleichtern die Konsolidierung der Software-Landschaft und senken die IT-Kosten nachhaltig.

According to a study by the HP application sprawl consumes annually 12 billion €.

Bremen, 28. Juli 2011 – Der deutsche Thin Client-Marktführer IGEL
Technology weist auf die zunehmenden Kosten durch Anwendungswildwuchs hin.
Laut einer aktuellen Umfrage unter 500 europäischen CIOs bindet die
wachsende Anzahl an Anwendungen nicht nur unnötig Kosten und Personal. Die
überhöhten Kosten für die Verwaltung und Wartung der Applikationslandschaft
bedeuten außerdem weniger Geld für IT-Investitionen und -Modernisierungen.
Ein Teufelskreis, findet IGEL-Marketingchef Frank Lampe, denn zu den
effektivsten Kostensenkungsmaßnahmen zählen Investitionen in eine zentrale

„Werden Anwendungen zentral verwaltet und über kosteneffiziente Thin
Clients bereitgestellt, statt sie wie bisher auf hunderte von PCs zu
verteilen, so vereinfacht das die Konsolidierung der Anwendungslandschaft“,
so Frank Lampe. „Läuft die Unternehmenssoftware gesammelt im Rechenzentrum,
so gewinnen die IT-Verantwortlichen schnell einen Überblick und können
besser entscheiden, was davon im Unternehmen wirklich gebraucht wird.“

Die befragten CIOs der von HP veröffentlichten Studie arbeiten in
Deutschland, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Italien und den Nordischen
Ländern. 79 Prozent der Befragten gaben an, dass der Wildwuchs an Programmen
ein großes Problem für ihr Unternehmen darstelle, und nahezu alle CIOs
(98%) stuften die effiziente Verwaltung des Applikationsportfolios als
geschäftskritisch ein.

Weiterhin kommt die Studie zu dem Ergebnis, dass bis zu 15 Prozent der
Anwendungen nur geringen oder gar keinen Geschäftsnutzen bieten. Der
durchschnittliche Anteil des IT-Budgets, der auf den Betrieb und die
Wartung solcher Anwendungen entfällt, beträgt laut Studie 5,8 Prozent.
Hochgerechnet auf alle Unternehmen in Westeuropa entsteht somit pro Jahr
ein Einsparpotential in Höhe von über 12 Milliarden Euro.

„Einige unserer Kunden haben bis zu 600 Applikationen im Einsatz. Unsere
Kunden zeigen, dass eine zentrale Anwendungsbereitstellung einen wichtigen
Schritt der Konsolidierung und Kostenreduzierung darstellt“, erklärt Frank
Lampe. „Die Investitionen in eine neue Serverlandschaft mit entsprechender
Bereitstellungssoftware wie Citrix XenDesktop, Microsoft Remote Desktop
oder VMware View, amortisieren sich in der Regel binnen eines
Investitionszyklus, sofern parallel Thin Clients eingeführt werden, welche
die Desktopkosten nachhaltig um bis zu 70 Prozent senken.“

Beispiele aus der öffentlichen Verwaltung

Die Verwaltung der Stadt Hattingen minimiert den Aufwand für das
Anwendungsmanagement, indem sie ihren Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern per
IGEL Thin Client Zugriff auf einen Standard-Desktop gibt. Dieser wird
mithilfe der VDI-Software VMware View bereitgestellt und basiert auf einem
einzigen Masterimage, das alle Standardanwendungen enthält. Die Anwender
können nur bis zum nächsten Arbeitstag zusätzliche Programme installieren.
Benötigen sie eines dauerhaft, wird es auf Antrag mittels VMware ThinApp
als virtuelle Anwendung vom Rechenzentrum aus bereitgestellt. Die
Zusatzprogramme laufen dann naturgemäß in einer eigenen Laufzeitumgebung
(Sandbox). Auf dieses Weise kann es zu keinen Unverträglichkeiten mehr mit
anderen Anwendungen kommen und es können sogar verschiedene Versionen
derselben Software an einem Arbeitsplatz genutzt werden. „Langfristig
können 90 Prozent der Arbeitsplätze via Thin Client bereitgestellt werden“,
schätzt Daniel Sievert, Mitarbeiter der Abteilung Informationstechnik im
Fachbereich Personal, Organisation und Datenverarbeitung. „Für diesen Fall
beträgt die Ersparnis gegenüber dem früheren PC-basierten Konzept 16
Prozent bzw. 123.000 Euro.“

Beispiele aus der Wirtschaft

Die Bremer Versicherungsagentur Lampe & Schwartze sowie das österreichische
Mode- und Sporthandelsunternehmen Kastner & Öhler in Graz, machen sich die
Technologie des Applicationstreaming zunutze, um Softwarekonflikte zu
vermeiden. Lampe & Schwartze setzt auf Microsoft App-V, Kastner & Öhler
stellt 90 von 105 Anwendungen über die Streaming-Funktion bereit, die
Citrix XenApp 6.0 bietet. „Anwendungsseitig und bezüglich der
Nutzererfahrung besteht heute kein Unterschied mehr zum lokalen Arbeitsplatz-
PC“, erklärt Helmut Wolf, IT-Leiter bei Kastner & Öhler. „Abgesehen vom CAD-
Bereich und der Anwendungsentwicklung arbeiten alle Abteilungen mit IGEL
Thin Clients.“ Während Kastner & Öhler sukzessive bis zu 80 Prozent der
Arbeitsplatz-PCs durch Thin Clients von IGEL ersetzen möchte, hat Lampe &
Schwartze restlos alle PCs abgeschafft und spart heute 30 Prozent der
Desktop-Betriebskosten ein. Dabei sinken allein die Energiekosten um 77
Prozent, was bei den 170 eingesetzten Thin Clients einer jährlichen
Ersparnis von 5.700 Euro entspricht. Beide Unternehmen nutzen die IGEL Thin
Clients darüber hinaus für den direkten Zugriff auf Host-Systeme und
ersparen sich dadurch zusätzliche Middleware.

“Dank der flexiblen Auslegung unserer Thin Clients, können unsere Kunden
parallel auf diverse IT-Technologien zurückgreifen, um ihre Software-
Landschaft zu konsolidieren und ihre Desktop-Kosten nachhaltig um bis zu 70
Prozent zu senken“, kommentiert Frank Lampe. „Die zentrale
Anwendungsbereitstellung ist ein Grundprinzip auf dessen Rücken sich dem
Applikationswildwuchs auf konstruktive Weise begegnen lässt.“

• Stadt Hattingen minimiert mit IGEL Thin Clients und VMware View den
Aufwand für das Anwendungsmanagement

Über IGEL Technology

IGEL Technology ist einer der weltweit führenden Thin Client Hard- und
Software-Hersteller und Marktführer in Deutschland. IGEL entwickelt,
produziert und vertreibt Linux- und Microsoft Windows-basierte Terminals
unterschiedlicher Bauformen – darunter klassische Desktop-Thin Clients und
in LCD-Bildschirme integrierte Geräte. Softwareseitig hat IGEL die
Universal Desktop Converter-Software (UDC) im Portfolio. Die UDC-Software
stattet ältere PCs sowie Thin Clients und Nettops ausgewählter
Drittanbieter mit der aktuellen IGEL Universal Desktop-Firmware aus. Typisch
für IGEL ist der universelle Zugriff auf zentrale IT-Infrastrukturen. Diese
Universal Desktop-Strategie gestattet IGEL-Kunden eine flexible Auswahl
ihrer serverseitigen Lösungen. Hierfür integriert IGEL in die
leistungsfähige Firmware ein breites Spektrum an Softwareclients, -tools
und lokalen Protokollen. Diese erlauben neben dem klassischen Zugriff auf
das Server Based Computing unter Windows, Citrix und Linux auch den direkten
Zugriff auf virtuelle Desktops (u.a. VMware, Citrix, Microsoft, RedHat),
Legacy Host-, SAP-, Java- oder Web-Applikationen sowie VoIP. Für
größtmögliche Sicherheit sorgt eine konsequente VPN- und Smartcard-
Unterstützung. Die zentrale Verwaltung sämtlicher Universal Desktop-Modelle
erfolgt einheitlich, komfortabel und kostengünstig mittels der im
Lieferumfang enthaltenen Remote-Managementsoftware IGEL Universal
Management Suite. Kooperationen mit kompetenten Partnern und
Branchenspezialisten gewährleisten ferner die schnelle und flexible
Bereitstellung maßgeschneiderter Lösungen vor Ort.

IGEL Technology ist Teil der weltweit aktiven Melchers-Gruppe und Mitglied
im BITKOM. Neben dem Hauptsitz und der Entwicklungsabteilung in Deutschland
ist IGEL mit einem Tochterunternehmen in Großbritannien sowie mit
Repräsentanzen in Hongkong, Singapur und Shanghai vertreten. Darüber hinaus
ist IGEL mit Distributionspartnern und Authorized IGEL Partnern in den USA
und über 45 weiteren Ländern vertreten.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Internet unter www.igel.com.

IGEL ist eine geschützte Marke der IGEL Technology GmbH. Alle Hardware- und
Software-Namen sind Marken oder eingetragene Marken der jeweiligen
Hersteller. Alle sonstigen genannten oder anders erkennbaren Marken,
eingetragenen Waren- und/oder Dienstleistungsmarken sind das Eigentum ihrer
jeweiligen Inhaber. Änderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten.

Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an:

IGEL Technology GmbH
Dr. Frank Lampe
Hanna-Kunath-Str. 31
28199 Bremen
Tel.: +49 (0) 421.52094 - 1300
Fax: +49 (0) 421.52094 - 1399
E-Mail: [email protected]

Süddeutscher Verlag onpact GmbH
Jörg Sailer
Hultschiner Straße 8
81677 München
Tel.: +49 (0) 89.21 83 - 7270
Fax: +49 (0) 89.21 83 - 7209
E-Mail: [email protected]

Posted by Staff at 01:33 PM | Comments (0)

May 27, 2011

Devon IT Integral in Today’s Dell Desktop Virtualization Announcement

KING OF PRUSSIA, Pa., May 25, 2011 – Dell today announced additions to its desktop virtualization solutions portfolio, including Devon IT’s thin client hardware and software products.

Thin Client | Thin Client Hardware | Thin Client Computing

Published on: May 25th, 2011

Devon IT Integral in Today’s Dell Desktop Virtualization Announcement
“Dell is one of the only IT vendors in the world to deliver end-to-end desktop virtualization capabilities that span data center and end-user technologies,” said Steven Lalla, vice president and general manager of Commercial Client Product Group, Dell. “The OptiPlex thin clients are designed to deliver the reliability, productivity and business-class control of a traditional OptiPlex system in an organization’s desktop virtualization environment.”
KING OF PRUSSIA, Pa., May 25, 2011 – Dell today announced additions to its desktop virtualization solutions portfolio, including Devon IT’s thin client hardware and software products. View the full press release below, or on Business Wire.

Dell Expands Desktop Virtualization Solutions Portfolio

Customized Virtual Lab 2.0 available for colleges and universities
New Dell OptiPlex FX170 and FX130 thin clients complement Dell Desktop Virtualization Solutions, a solution portfolio designed to help organizations quickly deploy desktop virtualization
Simplified management and security creates added benefits and ease of implementation for IT teams
ROUND ROCK, Texas, May 25, 2011 – Dell today announced additions to its desktop virtualization solutions portfolio including an enhanced Dell Virtual Lab 2.0 solution and new Dell OptiPlex FX170 and FX130 thin client offerings. The new Virtual Lab 2.0 solution, designed for colleges and universities, now comes with validation testing on six of the most popular applications, affording students and faculty the freedom to access secure, lab-based software virtually anytime, anywhere and from any device. The new OptiPlex thin client solutions, designed for organizations such as, education, financial, healthcare and retail, offer seamless connectivity for organizations that have implemented or plan to implement a desktop virtualization infrastructure.

The new desktop virtualization offerings will complement the recently launched Dell Desktop Virtualization Solutions (DDVS), a comprehensive solution portfolio that leverages pre-packaged services with configured and tested hardware and software to deliver the datacenter architecture necessary to provide desktop virtualization capabilities. DDVS addresses the design and implementation complexities associated with desktop virtualization and accelerates it so organizations can adapt to the changing dynamics of today’s more mobile and efficient global workforce.

Dell Virtual Lab 2.0

Whether you’re a student, faculty member or administrator, there is a need for anytime access to data and applications bringing increased expectations of support from IT staff. Desktop virtualization can help by delivering easy management, disaster recovery and flexibility, while allowing access to information virtually anytime and anywhere – in an office, on campus or at home.

Virtual Lab 2.0 takes the advantages of the solution one step further by addressing the need for improved application accessibility and creates increased global learning opportunities. It comes with validation testing on six leading applications used on campuses, with seven more anticipated to be completed by the end of the year. Applications include Adobe Premiere Pr CS3, AutoCad 2DLT, Wolfram Mathmatica 7, Mathworks MatLab, SAS and IBM SPSS.

Dell OptiPlex FX170 and FX130 Thin Clients

The new OptiPlex thin client solutions offer mobile, contract, remote and task workers connectivity within a desktop virtualization infrastructure. The FX170 is designed for knowledge-based workers focused on multimedia and content creation, while the FX130 is ideal for application and task-based environments. The solutions provide the following features:

Productivity and Connectivity designed for quick and easy deployment and management with optional support for dual monitors;
Business Class Control by allowing IT to centrally manage data and images in the data center;
Reliable and flexible fan-less systems and with no moving parts are designed for a long life of service and as the smallest OptiPlex systems at less than 1.5 inches wide and weighing less than 1.5 pounds, are designed to fit in a variety of environments; and,
Dell ProSupport comes standard for simple, quick hardware replacement.
Dell offers a comprehensive set of software solutions to improve the manageability and control of the new OptiPlex thin clients. These solutions, including Devon IT Echo™ Management Console Dell Edition and Devon IT DeTOS Dell Edition, provide support for Microsoft Windows Embedded and DeTOS thin clients and allow access to Citrix XenApp or XenDesktop, Microsoft Remote Desktop Services, VMware View™ and web-based applications. Additionally, Devon IT VDI Blaster Dell Edition supports a wide array PCs while maximizing life and extending capital investments by allowing quick conversion to a thin client system.

Dell OptiPlex 390 Desktop

Dell also announced the availability of the OptiPlex 390, the newest member of OptiPlex business desktop PC family complementing the OptiPlex 990 and 790. The 390 features minitower, desktop, small form-factor chassis with an optional all-in-one stand. The system offers essential productivity for organizations that need affordable in-band management with a minimum 20 month product life-cycle management and stability, including newly added Global Standard Platforms in this product class. In addition to supporting second generation Intel® iCore™ processors, the 390 offers a minimum of 10 percent post-consumed recycled plastic chassis and recyclable packaging.

Dell Services
Dell offers a comprehensive set of services that help customers automate the deployment and management of thin clients, commercial laptops, mobile devices and desktops, as well as the ability to securely dispose of outdated or retired assets. Examples include:

Deployment Services - Designed to simplify and accelerate the customization and utilization of new systems. Dell Deployment Services include everything from order consolidation to coordination of deployment resources.
ProSupport Services - Designed to minimize disruptions and maintain high levels of productivity across end-user PCs. Dell Support Services help protect client investments and free businesses from IT maintenance so they can focus on running their business.

“Our goal is to make the kinds of software products accessible to students from their dorm room to their home or when they’re traveling on the road. By providing a desktop virtual solution where students leverage their own technology, we are able to extend the boundaries beyond the campus. By working with Dell, we believe that we’re going to create something that will not only work for University of Maryland, but for the higher education system as a whole,” said John Seuss, VP for Information Technology, University of Maryland.

“With Virtual Lab 2.0, we’re bringing a set of solutions that faculty and administrators have told us are particularly difficult to manage in a virtual environment and have now made them easy to implement. Students increasingly need access to data and curriculum. Virtual Lab 2.0 enhances their tools and gives them access regardless of where they are and what device they use.” John Mullen, vice president, Global Education, Dell.

“Dell is one of the only IT vendors in the world to deliver end-to-end desktop virtualization capabilities that span data center and end-user technologies,” said Steven Lalla, vice president and general manager of Commercial Client Product Group, Dell. “The OptiPlex thin clients are designed to deliver the reliability, productivity and business-class control of a traditional OptiPlex system in an organization’s desktop virtualization environment.”

Pricing and Availability:

With availability on May 26 in the U.S. and Western Europe, the starting price for the Dell OptiPlex FX170 is $449 USD and $349 USD for the OptiPlex FX130. The OptiPlex 390 is available now with a starting price of $ $671 USD.
Additional information:

Dell Higher Ed – The Connected Campus
Dell Image Gallery
Inside Enterprise IT Dell Blog
Dell OptiPlex
Efficient Workforce
Dell Services
Dell on Twitter
About Dell

Dell Inc. (NASDAQ: DELL) listens to customers and delivers innovative technology and services that give them the power to do more. For more information, visit www.dell.com.

Contact Information
Media Contacts:
Kari Sherrodd Dell Education (512) 728-2835 [email protected]
Jake Whitman Dell (512) 496-0051 [email protected]
Maria Meneses AxiCom for Dell (415) 268-1613 [email protected]

Dell and Dell OptiPlex are trademarks of Dell Inc. Dell disclaims any proprietary interest in the marks and names of others.

# # #

Partners Comment on Dell’s Enhanced Desktop Virtualization Portfolio

“With the launch of Dell’s broader portfolio of thin client devices, customers can leverage the power of Citrix XenDesktop to tailor their desktop virtualization solutions to achieve their specific end-user needs. Dell’s new OptiPlex thin clients specifically have been verified as HDX Ready, giving mutual customers added assurance that they are compatible with Citrix desktop virtualization solutions,” said Joe Keller, vice president, community and alliance marketing at Citrix.

“Devon IT is committed to providing industry-leading virtual desktop technology for users. When a market and technology leader such Dell is progressing virtual desktop computing solutions and collaborates with industry leading software vendors it is obvious that something exciting is happening. We have always been proponents of server-centric computing and centralized management as a way for IT managers to reduce costs dramatically. These new Dell OptiPlex thin client solutions provide Dell’s customers an easy and cost-effective way to implement complete VDI solutions from one source. We are excited and proud to be working with an industry leader such as Dell,” explained Joe Makoid, President, Devon IT.

“Microsoft Desktop Virtualization solutions provide customers with the flexibility to access their applications, data, and a rich Windows desktop from anywhere. The launch of Dell’s broader portfolio of thin client devices, enhanced by Microsoft RemoteFX for a local-like remote user experience, gives organizations additional deployment flexibility at the end point when leveraging the power of Microsoft Desktop Virtualization,” said Mike Schutz, Senior Director of Windows Server and Virtualization, at Microsoft.

“The new Dell OptiPlex thin client devices alongside the Dell Desktop Virtualization Solutions portfolio will help joint customers take advantage of a complete virtual desktop infrastructure that frees end users and IT organizations from a dated and complex device-centric computing model,” said Chris Young, vice president and general manager, End-User Computing, VMware. “Together with VMware View™, VMware and Dell are providing a clear path for organizations to rapidly deploy a modern, end-user computing architecture that helps change the role of IT from a cost center to a center of strategic value.”

About Devon IT
Devon IT, Inc, (www.devonit.com) is an information technology company that focuses on offering thin client hardware and software for alternative desktop solutions that provide enterprise customers with greater security, enhanced manageability, improved reliability, and lower costs. Devon IT's products are orderable from Dell and Devon develops products that support Dell's Flexible Computing Solutions. Devon IT is also the creator of VDI Blaster™ (www.vdiblaster.com), a software suite that transforms existing Windows® PCs into virtual desktops. Read Devon IT's technical blog "Thin Tank" at http://www.devonit.com/blog.

All company, brand, or product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.

Tags: Dell, desktop virtualization, Devon IT, Software, Thin Client, Thin Clients, VDI, VDI Blaster, Virtualization
This post is in: About Devon IT, Press Releases

Thin Client | Thin Client Hardware | Thin Client Computing

Posted by Staff at 07:28 AM | Comments (0)

May 25, 2011

Dell Wades into Thin Client a little at a time

Dell steps a bit deeper into the thin client pool with new 130 and 170 FX clients. Currently the 160 was their solo entry. Also partnered with Devon IT.

Dell adds thin clients to OptiPlex portfolio - 25 May 2011 - Computing News

Dell has added two thin client systems to its OptiPlex portfolio that are designed to meet the needs of "data entry users" and "knowledge workers", according to the firm.

The OptiPlex FX170 and FX130 use different processor vendors for their chipset architecture and graphics: the FX170 uses Intel's Atom architecture while the FX130 uses the Via Technologies Eden chipset.

Dell's UK client solutions marketing manager James Jones said that "the FX130 is part of our 'best-value' thin client line targeting data entry users using a single or very few applications, like call centre environments.

"The FX170 is aimed at the knowledge worker requiring standard desktop functionality within a thin client device, along with HD graphics support for multimedia users, and also requiring dual-monitor support out-of-the-box," added Jones.

The FX130 and FX170's operating systems do not run locally, but are delivered to end users over LAN or WAN connections, from datacentre servers.

Dell global solutions architect Jerome Semichon said, "Both devices use Citrix XenDesktop and VMware's View desktop clients for delivering virtual desktops and applications to end users, so any OS that can run under those packages is supported."

Firms do not have to deploy the thin clients over Dell's end-to-end virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) solution, but Dell hopes firms will sign up to use preferred global partner Devon IT's Echo Management console system for provisioning and managing the OS images and associated applications.

Semichon said, "The key factor in the user's virtual desktop experience is not the bandwidth, but the network latency between the datacentre and the virtual desktop itself.

"If I touch something on the screen, how long does it take to go to the virtual desktop and come back to me [from the datacentre]? That's a function of your LAN or WAN and the underlying VDI technology you're using."

Dell is also targeting public-sector remote and flexible workers with the systems, so residential ADSL broadband connections have to be able to provide optimal network connectivity.

Asked whether such residential systems might limit usability, Semichon said "generally in the UK, normal residential ADSL network latency is more than capable of sustaining a very decent user experience."

Both models are available now, the FX130 costing £220 + VAT and the FX170 costing £249 + VAT.

Hardware specifications

The FX130 uses VIA Technologies Eden ultra low voltage (ULV) 1GHz processor with graphics capabilities provided by a VIA VX855 media processor, giving a maximum resolution of 1600 x1200 in 32-bit colour.

The FX170 chipset and graphics is provided by Intel, marrying an Intel Atom N270 1.6GHz processor with Intel's 945GSE graphics subsystem giving HD-capable 1920x1200 resolution in 32-bit, with dual monitor use also supported.

Both systems have 1GB of 667MHz DDR2 system memory, gigabit Ethernet adaptors, and four USB ports (two front and two rear). The FX130 weighs in at 0.53kg and the FX170 0.60kg, and both have dimensions of 156 x 121 x 36mm.

Dell adds thin clients to OptiPlex portfolio - 25 May 2011 - Computing News

Posted by Staff at 07:39 AM | Comments (0)

May 24, 2011

T50 Affordable Wyse Solution

Wyse T50 is powered by Wyse-enhanced Linux, delivering a simpler user interface and a "plug and display" start-up of less than 20 seconds.

eChannelLine USA - Plustek announces gDocScan partnership to scan and index direct to Google Docs

Wyse Technology has announced the Wyse T50 thin client. The Wyse T50, delivers excellent Web, Citrix, Microsoft, and VMware VDI user experience, all through an elegant and intuitive user interface. Wyse's new thin client with business level performance is ideal for IT departments at small, medium and large organizations on a budget.
Even on a small budget, Wyse says the Wyse T50 delivers the best multimedia and management capabilities in its class. Wyse T50 is powered by Wyse-enhanced Linux, delivering a simpler user interface and a "plug and display" start-up of less than 20 seconds. The ENERGY STAR Version 5.0, and EPEAT-compliant Wyse T50 thin client also creates a rich user experience displaying vibrant multimedia and Flash in VDI and the local browser.

The Wyse T50 also includes the same automatic configuration and management used in Wyse's premium thin and zero clients, eliminating the need for manual utilities and wizards. With Wyse T50, users have the DVI-I display option to connect to two monitors for optimum viewing versatility. Wyse T50 also includes advanced networking capabilities, with gigabit Ethernet and optional integrated B/G/N Wi-Fi. Wyse T50 also supports the RDP7 protocol and offers such advanced features as Wyse Collaborative Processing Architecture media redirection and bitmap compression.

At the heart of the Wyse T50 lies the Marvell ARMADA PXA 510 application processor, an ARMv7 CPU running at 1GHz frequency, delivering a 150 percent performance improvement compared to previous ARM based designs. Built to provide the optimal IT environment within your specifications, the Wyse-enhanced Linux firmware is verified Citrix Ready for Citrix Receiver with HDX, and features certification with VMware View Open Client, and support for Wyse TCX and VDA.

"Wyse's T50 equipped with Marvell's ARMADA PXA 510 processor delivers higher performance and lower power dissipation while providing full software compatibility to ARM-based applications," said Jack Kang, Director of Mobile at Marvell. "Congratulations to Wyse on the debut of an efficient and affordable Linux-based Thin Client."

"Every innovation moves along a trajectory where performance improves while price declines," according to Bob O'Donnell, Vice President, Clients and Displays at IDC. "The Wyse T50 is a solid example of how we are beginning to see a high-value VDI solution; and one that will continue to grow the desktop virtualization market."

"The Wyse T50 with Wyse-enhanced Linux further builds momentum for desktop virtualization by providing customers with multiple options, lower TCO and a better user experience when deploying virtual desktops within their organizations," said Joe Keller, vice president, community and alliance marketing at Citrix. "The Wyse T50 is verified as Citrix Ready, giving our mutual customers confidence that the T50 and Citrix XenDesktop work together and deliver the best user experience as part of a desktop virtualization infrastructure."

The Wyse T50 is available immediately.

eChannelLine USA - Plustek announces gDocScan partnership to scan and index direct to Google Docs

Posted by Staff at 02:20 PM | Comments (0)

Wyse and Citrix Solutions Deliver Anywhere, Anytime Virtual Desktops to Fast Growing Cloud Computing Market

"In the past year, Wyse and Citrix have bolstered their 15-year partnership with the introduction of Wyse Xenith," said Maryam Alexandrian, Senior Vice President Worldwide Sales and Channels at Wyse Technology.

Wyse and Citrix Solutions Deliver Anywhere, Anytime Virtual Desktops to Fast Growing Cloud Computing Market | EON: Enhanced Online News

Citrix Synergy 2011
May 24, 2011 08:03 AM Eastern Daylight Time
SAN JOSE, Calif.--(EON: Enhanced Online News)--Wyse Technology, the global leader in cloud client computing, today announced continuing customer momentum of the adoption of Wyse thin clients and virtualization software alongside desktop virtualization solutions from Citrix. Wyse is currently exhibiting their line of hardware and virtualization software as a Custom Platinum sponsor at Citrix Synergy™ 2011, held May 25-27 in San Francisco. Wyse can be found at Booth #200.

“In the past year, Wyse and Citrix have bolstered their 15-year partnership with the introduction of Wyse Xenith”
One solution in particular has had massive appeal since its introduction at Citrix Synergy 2010, and that is the Wyse Xenith zero client. Built specifically for Citrix XenDesktop®, Wyse Xenith delivers the HDX™ experience with zero delays, zero management, zero security risks and very little energy use.

"In the past year, Wyse and Citrix have bolstered their 15-year partnership with the introduction of Wyse Xenith," said Maryam Alexandrian, Senior Vice President Worldwide Sales and Channels at Wyse Technology. "Wyse Xenith makes the integration of Wyse and Citrix easier than ever and represents an entirely new approach to investing in, deploying and supporting intelligent desktop devices."

"As enterprises look for ways to increase user flexibility for virtual workstyles while driving down the costs of maintaining their corporate desktop environment, it is important for technology providers to deliver integrated, value-added solutions that simplify this shift. Wyse and Citrix have a shared vision of enabling enterprises to transform desktop computing into an on-demand service while lowering the cost of maintaining desktops," said Natalie Lambert, director of product marketing, Enterprise Desktops and Applications at Citrix. "Our organizations will continue to work closely to deliver innovative solutions to businesses that see the benefit of delivering virtual desktops to not just the office worker, but all users in the organization."

Analyst Report

IDC recently published a report on the strong integration between Citrix and Wyse. Entitled Driving Productivity with the Anywhere, Anytime Virtual Desktop, the white paper articulates the challenges facing IT departments an increasingly complex installed base composed of aging PCs with outdated operating systems. The document also looks closely at PC alternatives in a market it expects revenues to grow from $1.5 billion in 2010 to more than $2.2 billion by 2014.

Authored by IDC analysts Ian Song and Tom Mainelli, the report takes an in-depth look at a wide variety of customer implementations and an examination of the role of thin clients, zero clients, mobile clients and best of breed software integration on these deployments. According to Ian Song of IDC: "Thin client endpoints … offer a level of cost savings, security, manageability, and green benefits that today's PCs simply cannot match."

The white paper is available at http://www.wyse.com/citrix

Supporting Quotes:

Jamie Lin, Project Lead
Centene, in St. Louis, Missouri
"Best of all, the vast majority of the Centene users currently using the Wyse/Citrix configurations are happy. Feedback has been very positive, and it is clear most enjoy the mobility offered by client virtualization. They really appreciate the fact that they don’t have to drive in a snow storm to work anymore."

Mike Kindle, Sr. Director of Enterprise
Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle, Washington
"We wanted the technology to be so fast, pervasive, and intuitive for our staff that it was almost invisible to our patients. As soon as we identified VDI as our approach, we knew we wanted Citrix and Wyse as our partners. The partnership between the companies and the integration of their technologies made us confident that they would work together to help us get the solution we wanted."

Joe Kemp, IT Manager
St. Anne's School, Laguna Niguel, California
"Faster logon times, excellent multimedia playback, and dramatically less downtime has made the Citrix/Wyse combination a huge hit with both teachers and students. My biggest measure of success is the user experience, and they love it. They're able to log in within 60 seconds instead of the five minutes the old PCs used to take. The performance is worlds above what they had before, and everything is super fast and responsive."

Steve Bradley, Network Administrator
Rocklin Unified School District, Rocklin, California
"The Xenith's don't have hard drives that will inevitably fail. As long as we keep them connected to the network, they'll just work. I've typically paid about $1,500 per desktop because we require business-grade PCs. The Xenith's each cost us less than $400, and we bought three new servers to support them at $12,000 each. So right out of the gate, we're saving a fortune on hardware."

Ian Trevena, Network Manager
Hampton School, London, England
"We're one of the UK's few carbon-neutral schools and so the low power rating and heat output of the Wyse Xenith is critical for us. With the first phase now live, there is a marked difference in how much cooler the classrooms have become, while the zero clients are so easy to support that our maintenance headaches with PCs are a thing of the past."

Udo Urbantschitsch, Divisional Director IT
LIBRO | PAGRO Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H., Vienna, Austria
"Having introduced Wyse thin clients – mainly C10LE, we were able to rapidly roll out branch offices, virtually via plug and play. One simple file does all the magic. A new Citrix user is like 1-2-3. Apply the right security groups, plug in a new Wyse client and log in. This vastly improves our flexibility and helps to keep up with the pace our business needs and expects."

Brian Field, AVP, Information Technology
Planned Parenthood of Northern California
"So far we’ve replaced 20% of our desktop PC’s with the Wyse Xenith and have reduced our Cap Ex 30-40% on hardware. The IT staff appreciates the tight integration with Citrix XenDesktop and our users are elated with the increased response time compared to the PC's we replaced."

John Trujillo, Assistant Vice President of IT
Pacific Life, Newport Beach, California
"We are in the beginning stages of virtualizing our desktops to support a remote workforce. With virtualization, we will be able to improve employee retention and recruitment, create a flexible and robust technology platform and offer mobility without sacrificing security or performance. Wyse Xenith not only is the ideal end-point architecture for us to support our strategic business initiatives, but it also adds value as the perfect complement to our Citrix implementation."

Jasmin Khorshed, Infrastructure Management & Technical Leader
Logica Managed Services for ebase Bank, Munich, Germany
"We are 100% happy with the combination of Citrix and Wyse! The Xenith is exactly the thin client we were looking for. It's optimized for XenDesktop Infrastructure and easy to handle. That was really a good decision."

About Wyse Technology

Wyse Technology is the global leader in Cloud Client Computing. The Wyse portfolio includes industry-leading thin, zero and cloud PC client solutions with advanced management, desktop virtualization and cloud software supporting desktops, laptops and next generation mobile devices. Cloud client computing replaces the outdated computing model of the unsecure, unreliable, energy-intensive and expensive PC, all while delivering lower TCO and a superior user experience. Wyse has shipped more than 20 million units and has over 200 million people interacting with their products each day, enabling the leading private, public, hybrid and government cloud implementations worldwide. Wyse partners with industry-leading IT vendors, including Cisco®, Citrix®, IBM®, Microsoft, and VMware® as well as globally-recognized distribution and service partners. Wyse is headquartered in San Jose, California, U.S.A., with offices worldwide. For more information, visit the Wyse website at or call 1-800-GET-WYSE.

* All brands and names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.


Wyse Technology
Allison Darin, 408-473-1223
[email protected]

Wyse and Citrix Solutions Deliver Anywhere, Anytime Virtual Desktops to Fast Growing Cloud Computing Market | EON: Enhanced Online News

Posted by Staff at 02:16 PM | Comments (0)

Chip PC Products are the First Thin Clients Certified for watchboxx® Remote Monitoring Solution

Chip PC products are the first thin clients certified to work with the watchboxx®, Remote Monitoring Solution by Schindler Technik

Chip PC Products are the First Thin Clients Certified for watchboxx� Remote Monitoring Solution | PRLog

"We are happy to collaborate with Schindler Technik and provide a win-win combination for the solutions and products offered by the two companies'" said Tim van Wasen, VP Europe of Chip PC, "Chip PC advanced thin clients are a perfect fit for integration with virtualization, infrastructure and network environments monitored remotely by the intelligent watchboxx solution".

"Customers using the superior advantages of Chip PC thin clients must rely on an efficient and stable infrastructure” said Fritz Gerhard, chairman Sales & Marketing of Schindler Technik.

"ST.AG, a company with more than 20 years operational and project experience in the range of Life Cycle Services for information and communication solutions, offering high-quality IT services. The watchboxx® is therefore a solution which arose out of the proactive portfolio of Life Cycle Service of ST.AG", Fritz Gerhard added.

The combined solution enables IT staff to easily and remotely monitor Chip PC end user thin client devices via a single watchboxx dashboard:

- Receive timely and updated information regards thin client guarantee coverage in order
to ensure full service
- Keep real-time monitoring of server connection status of all thin clients in your network
- Get constant feedback on your entire IT infrastructure status
To learn more, click here for brochure in English / German

About Schindler Technik (ST) AG
Since its foundation in 1988 ST.AG is a leading service provider of IT services with focus on managed LAN / WLAN Services. ST.AG is represented in six locations across Germany and handles all IT services equally, so that customers benefit from the value-ad of chaining up services to one-stop services.

About Chip PC
Driving innovation into reality, Chip PC develops and manufactures advanced thin computing solutions at the forefront of server-centric and virtualization technologies including centralized management, top security and miniature green-technology desktop devices. Chip PC and its network of value-added partners combine to deliver the most secure, scalable and performance-rich solutions in the thin computing marketplace. Chip PC partners with industry leaders Microsoft, Citrix, VMware, and others to achieve this objective. Chip PC is headquartered in Israel, with offices worldwide.

Editorial Contact: Ms. Ronit Pasternak, Tel: +972 4 8501 121 Email:[email protected];

Chip PC Products are the First Thin Clients Certified for watchboxx� Remote Monitoring Solution | PRLog

Posted by Staff at 02:11 PM | Comments (0)

May 18, 2011

NEC Signs Worldwide OEM Agreement with Wyse

NEC will be offering its customers two advanced NEC-branded Wyse thin clients with Wyse’s WDM cloud client infrastructure management software, which were developed for and in collaboration with NEC.

NEC Corporation Signs Worldwide OEM Agreement with Wyse Technology

- To Deliver Wyse’s Industry-leading Cloud Client Computing Hardware and Software Solutions

LONDON, UK – May 18, 2011 – Wyse Technology, the global leader in cloud client computing, today announced the signing of a worldwide multiyear OEM agreement with NEC Corporation (NEC; TSE: 6701), a leader in the integration of IT and network technologies that benefit businesses and people around the world. The agreement involves NEC's VirtualPCCenter (VPCC), an end-to-end desktop cloud platform from NEC designed to bring stability to enterprise IT systems.

As part of the agreement, NEC will be offering its customers two advanced NEC-branded Wyse thin clients with Wyse’s WDM cloud client infrastructure management software, which were developed for and in collaboration with NEC. The two thin client products are US300c and US110c. Both solutions feature a separate graphic accelerator for satisfying performance and user experience and an ultra low-power media system processor that delivers rich multimedia and video playback of up to HD resolution. Both models contain no moving parts and are capable of delivering a long service life-span of between 7-8 years.

Model US300c offers support for Windows Embedded Standard (WES), the next generation of Windows Embedded offerings from Microsoft. It's powerful, extensible and maintains full backward compatibility with previous Windows XP embedded compliant software and hardware. It also includes the latest RDP, ICA and VMware View client support, enhanced security features, advanced multimedia technology support with a Microsoft Silverlight plug-in component that enables the next generation of media experiences, rich interactive applications for the Web on devices that run WES, and local execution of Silverlight and Windows Media Player 11.

Model US110c offers support for Windows CE, features fast start-up powered by a VIA ULV 1GHz processor, and boots in seconds. This model also provides secure user login to corporate networks.

NEC's VirtualPCCenter operates in the same way as a traditional desktop PC, enabling the user to access typical desktop PC applications. Benefits to the user and IT include, improved back up and security of data, enforced endpoint security, and simplified software maintenance. The thin clients that make up the VPCC user desktop will last 7-8 years, on average, far longer than the typical life for traditional PCs. End users experience tremendous freedom and flexibility as they are able to access their desktop environment and applications using any VPCC thin client located anywhere in the world.

A vendor spotlight from IDC and sponsored by NEC quantified the benefits of a VPCC solution. According to IDC Japan, Senior Market Analyst, Hiroshi Shibutani: "When using NEC's VPCC, the ROI of VDI solutions reached 372.4% over a three-year period, with a payback period of 11.9 months — a higher ROI than that of overall VDI products."

"NEC's VPCC providing superior usability and substantial operative management capability, has been used by over 90,000 users worldwide since 2005," said Kotetsu Ohmiya, General Manager of 1st IT Software Division at NEC. "I believe that by adding two new thin client terminals, the high spec US300c and entry US110c developed with Wyse, we can contribute to further improvement of ROI and usability for enterprise and desktop cloud providers."

"We are looking forward to continuing to grow our relationship with Japan's leader in electronics and business solutions," said Maryam Alexandrian, Senior Vice President Worldwide Sales and Channels at Wyse Technology. "Wyse’s Cloud Client Computing portfolio with innovative software and hardware plays such a significant role along with NEC’s innovative approach to solving enterprise-level business and IT challenges."

For more information on NEC's VirtualPCCenter offerings, please visit http://www.nec.com/global/solutions/vpcc/index.html

About Wyse Technology
Wyse Technology is the global leader in Cloud Client Computing. Wyse portfolio includes industry-leading thin, zero and cloud PC client solutions with advanced management, desktop virtualization and cloud software supporting desktops, laptops and next generation mobile devices. Cloud client computing replaces the outdated computing model of the unsecure, unreliable, energy-intensive and expensive PC, all while delivering lower TCO and a superior user experience. Wyse has shipped more than 20 million units and has over 200 million people interacting with their products each day, enabling the leading private, public, hybrid and government cloud implementations worldwide. Wyse partners with industry-leading IT vendors, including Citrix®, IBM®, Microsoft, and VMware® as well as globally-recognized distribution and service partners. Wyse is headquartered in San Jose, California, U.S.A., with offices worldwide. More information can be found at www.wyse.com.

For media enquiries contact:
Daniel Couzens
onechocolate communications
Tel: +44 (0)207 437 0227
E: [email protected]

Posted by Staff at 11:40 AM | Comments (0)

April 05, 2011

Chip PC and ThinPrint Join Forces to Offer Bundled Secure Printing Solution on Managed Thin Clients

The solution is offering a one-stop shop for customers to implement a managed thin client running ThinPrint Personal Printing solution, providing secure printing that authenticates the user at any standard printer via smartcard.

Chip PC and ThinPrint Join Forces to Offer Bundled Secure Printing Solution on Managed Thin Clients; Offering a one-stop, cost effective solution to implement Chip PC® managed thin client running ThinPrint® Personal Printing solution

PRLog (Press Release) – Apr 05, 2011 – Essen, April 5, 2011 − Chip PC Technologies, leader in thin client managed solutions for the cloud, and ThinPrint, leader in print management and cloud printing solutions today announced the availability of "Chip PC-ThinPrint Personal Printing Bundle". The solution is offering a one-stop shop for customers to implement a managed thin client running ThinPrint Personal Printing solution, providing secure printing that authenticates the user at any standard printer via smartcard.

The Personal Printing Bundle is easy to get started immediately by using any existing printer and implementing for users who need confidential printing. The cost efficient Personal Printing Box includes an Xtreme PC CXN 2321 thin client device, an external Smartcard reader, Chip PC Xcalibur Global management software and ThinPrint Personal Printing software.

The Personal Printing bundle enables the following benefits:
- Lowest power consumption, reliable desktop thin client
- Easy, remote management via Xcalibur Global
- Secure document output management
- Reduced costs thanks to reduced administration and helpdesk requests
- Increased productivity

"We are happy to collaborate with ThinPrint and offer a winning combination of both companies' solutions" said Tim van Wasen, VP Europe of Chip PC, "I am sure this will provide an easy, off-the-shelf, attractive solution for customers who are looking for secure printing using a managed, leading thin client platform".
“We are glad to have won an experienced hardware manufacturer such as Chip PC for our Personal Printing Essentials solution,” said Frank Hoffmann, Director Strategic Relationships. “Our solution which was derived together is ideal for all organizations wanting to get started with a secure and resource-friendly printing solution, for a low investment.”

The Chip PC-ThinPrint Personal Printing Bundle is available now from the companies' channel partners and is priced at 249 Euro.

For channel partners, the companies offer a cost-effective demo pack including software, hardware, smartcards and NFR license keys.

ThinPrint AG and Cortado
ThinPrint and its mobile division Cortado specialize in unleashing the power of the public and private cloud to bring the best printing and mobile productivity solutions to both individuals and all business sectors worldwide. The ThinPrint product family optimizes printing for any business of any size, from 5 to 500,000 users. Cortado, harnesses ThinPrint’s enterprise experience to equip smart phones and tablets with functions optimized for smaller displays, transforming these devices into complete workstations. Over 180 highly qualified and dedicated professionals are employed at its headquarters in Berlin, Germany, in the U.S., Brazil and Australia. ThinPrint has built an international network of partners, is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, Nokia Forum Pro Member, a top BlackBerry Alliance Select Member, Apple Enterprise Developer Partner and works closely with over 20 carriers worldwide. More than 500 renowned distributors and resellers in over 80 countries worldwide market ThinPrint products. ThinPrint’s strategic and OEM partnerships include Citrix Systems, Fuji Xerox, HP, Lexmark International, Microsoft, VMware, Wyse Technology, Chip PC, ensuring patented .print technology is integrated into a multitude of terminals, print boxes, and thin clients.
Press contacts at ThinPrint:
North America and South America:
ThinPrint, Inc., Megan Easterling, Alliance Manager,
Phone: 303.487.1302 ex 2410, E-mail: [email protected]
ThinPrint Pty Ltd., Stevan Caldwell, Regional Manager APAC,
Phone: +61 (0)2 94600319, Fax: +61 (0)2 89203835, E-mail: [email protected]
ThinPrint AG, Silke Kluckert, Public Relations Manager,
Phone:+49.30.394931-66, Fax: +49.30.394931-99,
E-mail: [email protected], www.thinprint.com

About the Company
Driving innovation into reality, Chip PC develops and manufactures advanced thin computing solutions at the forefront of server-centric and virtualization technologies including centralized management, top security and miniature green-technology desktop devices. Chip PC and its network of value-added partners combine to deliver the most secure, scalable and performance-rich solutions in the thin computing marketplace. Chip PC partners with industry leaders Microsoft, Citrix, VMware, and others to achieve this objective. Chip PC is headquartered in Israel, with offices worldwide.

Editorial Contact: Ms. Ronit Pasternak, Tel: +972 4 8501 121 Email:[email protected];
Web-site: http://www.chippc.com

Chip PC and ThinPrint Join Forces to Offer Bundled Secure Printing Solution on Managed Thin Clients

Posted by Staff at 01:58 PM | Comments (0)

March 20, 2011

Fujitsu's "biggest" UK thin-client deal vanishes

Fujitsu has reportedly been dumped from one of the UK’s biggest government desktop deals, which it won from the clutches of rival HP last year.

Fujitsu's "biggest" UK thin-client deal vanishes - Hardware - Technology - News - iTnews.com.au

"The contract [with Fujitsu] was terminated on the 11th [of March]; HP is covering in the short term," a spokesperson for the UK’s Department of Works and Pensions told The Register.

Fujitsu was set to assume responsibility for the "biggest desktop and thin client" contract in the UK on September 1 2010, according to its original announcement.

According to The Register's report, the services giant had failed to meet three start dates.

Fujitsu was supposed to achieve “high penetration of thin clients” across the department's 140,000 desktops.

The department had high hopes for its thin technology. At the time, chief information officer Joe Harley said it would mean “little or no maintenance” and “reductions in power consumption”. Earlier this year Harley also became the UK's government-wide CIO.

DWP's now former chief technology officer, James Gardner, predicted the Fujitsu-led Windows 7 refresh would be the “last version of Windows anyone every deploys widely”.

Gardner quit in January to return to the private sector, with his former role now shared between two IT directors.

Posted by Staff at 11:32 PM | Comments (0)

February 02, 2011

ThinManager User Group Meeting

2011 ThinManager User Group (TMUG) conference and training March 29-31 in Atlanta, GA.


You are invited to the 2011 ThinManager User Group (TMUG) conference and training March 29-31 in Atlanta, GA. This year's event will be one of the most exciting in ACP's history. We will be showing our new virtual machine management tools and iPhone app! You'll also see a preview of version 5.0 XLi which incorporates PXE boot technology that will allow ThinManager to boot thin clients from companies like Wyse, HP and many others! We're even having a BYOTC (Bring Your Own Thin Client) to see if we can enable your hardware live at the meeting!
Get more information
Register Now!
I can't make it
Please contact me using the information below if you need more details.

Thanks for using ThinManager. We'll see you in Atlanta!


Tom Jordan
[email protected]
678 990 0945 x305

Hilton Atlanta Airport Hotel
1031 Virginia Avenue
Atlanta, GA 30354

Driving Directions

Tuesday March 29, 2011 at 12:00 PM EDT
Thursday March 31, 2011 at 12:00 PM EDT
Add to my calendar

Posted by Staff at 10:14 PM | Comments (0)

Wyze Z90 Highest Performing Thin Client

Wyse-image002.jpgJanuary 31, 2010 – Wyse Technology, today announced the Wyse Z90 thin client, the highest-performing thin client based on Windows Embedded Standard 7. Includes USB 3.0. Displayport & DVI, HD 6310 Radeon graphics.

Wyse Debuts the Highest-Performing Thin Client for VDI-centric Cloud Computing Deployments

San Jose, Calif. and London, UK – January 31, 2010 – Wyse Technology, the global leader in cloud client computing, today announced the Wyse Z90 thin client, the highest-performing thin client based on Windows Embedded Standard 7.

As industries such as financial services, healthcare, retail, education and government make the move to VDI environments, they are all insisting that power and performance accompany the traditional thin client benefits such as better security and management. Wyse Z90 delivers a combination of performance, simplicity, and connectivity never seen before in a thin client. With available dual-core AMD G-series processors, the Wyse Z90 is the world's best-performing thin client. The Wyse Z90 is so fast, in fact, that it delivers 3D business graphics performance 187% better than the next closest leading competitor’s product, when compared head to head. The Wyse Z90 is even more powerful when compared to other competitive offerings.

At the heart of the Wyse Z90 lies an entirely new engine, one where all the major system elements – CPU cores, vector engines, and a unified video decoder for HD decoding tasks – live on the same piece of silicon. This design concept eliminates one of the fundamental constraints that limit performance.

Paired with updated processors and engines, Wyse’s use of Windows Embedded Standard 7 delivers the power and performance of Windows 7 to offer operating protections, helping to lessen vulnerabilities caused by virus and malware. The platform comes with strong default passwords, a secure locked-down default-user profile and monthly security updates to ensure customers receive the most secure and reliable service.

"The most important change to PC architectures over the last few years has been the integration of better graphics performance through higher-power GPUs," said Bob O'Donnell, Vice President at IDC. "Bringing those capabilities to thin clients will help ensure that those devices can meet the performance needs of today's users and today's applications."

"The goal at Wyse is to make our Windows Embedded offerings built with the Windows Embedded portfolio of platforms and technologies the best, easiest to use, and fastest clients on the planet," according to Ricardo Antuna, Senior Vice President of Product Management, Business Development and Alliances at Wyse Technology. "With the introduction of the Wyse Z90 we've done that; more than doubling the performance capabilities of competing top-of-the-line thin clients with similar energy requirements."

The Wyse Z90 includes the first SuperSpeed USB 3.0 connectivity in a thin client, enabling the newest peripherals and speeds up to 10 times faster than USB 2.0. Wyse Z90 includes two SuperSpeed USB 3.0 ports and four USB 2.0 ports, all under your control. With Wyse Z90, users have more display options than ever before including DisplayPort and DVI.

Wyse Z90 also co-exists with legacy devices, taking them in stride with optional parallel, PS/2 and dual serial port support. Wyse Z90 also includes advanced networking capabilities, with support for gigabit Ethernet, available integrated A/B/G/N dual band Wi-Fi, or FiberNIC.

For enterprises looking to also benefit from energy savings, the Wyse Z90 is compliant with ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 Thin Client specification. The Wyse Z90 is capable of significant performance without having to rely on increasing power consumption.

Pricing and Availability

For more information on Wyse Z90, please visit: http://www.wyse.com/products/hardware/thinclients/Z90

About Wyse Technology
Wyse Technology is the global leader in Cloud Client Computing. Wyse portfolio includes industry-leading thin, zero and cloud PC client solutions with advanced management, desktop virtualization and cloud software supporting desktops, laptops and next generation mobile devices. Cloud client computing replaces the outdated computing model of the unsecure, unreliable, energy-intensive and expensive PC, all while delivering lower TCO and a superior user experience. Wyse has shipped more than 20 million units and has over 200 million people interacting with their products each day, enabling the leading private, public, hybrid and government cloud implementations worldwide. Wyse partners with industry-leading IT vendors, including Citrix®, IBM®, Microsoft, and VMware® as well as globally-recognized distribution and service partners. Wyse is headquartered in San Jose, California, U.S.A., with offices worldwide. More information can be found at www.wyse.com.

Posted by Staff at 09:07 PM | Comments (0)

January 28, 2011

Why pay $250 for a thin client?

Why do thin clients generally cost $250 and more is the question.

Why pay $250 for a thin client? - Virtualization Blog

Virtualization Blog
by Zac Wiggy
Why pay $250 for a thin client?

Posted @ 1/27/2011 9:50 AM By ZWiggy
Posted in [Uncategorized] | 0 Comments
I spoke with an HP rep recently about that company's new line of thin clients. The first thing that struck me about them wasn't the amount of technology crammed into those little boxes. It was how much they cost—they start at $249. My reaction was to immediately picture the desktop PC that $249 could buy. Such machines aren't going to impress anyone with their specs, but they do exist, and they're functional.

So why not just buy cheap PCs for all your users? Tad Bodeman, director of thin client services for HP, told me about some of the advantages—and most of these should apply to many thin clients, not just the new HP line. For one, thin clients are ecologically better than the cheap desktops. Bodeman said the new thin clients can go as low as 12 watts of electricity used at idle. The new line also has an emphasis on environmentally-friendly parts, such as recycled plastic in the case. Bodeman said HP is seeing thin clients in use for as long as five to seven years, so it means less trash than full machines that get thrown away more often (and less expense on buying client hardware).

Bodeman said that another big advantage is that with thin clients, you don't have to send someone out to fix software or hardware problems. You can manage the software on the server where it sits, and you can just have users unplug the cables from a broken box and plug them into a new one.

"When you put these thin clients on a desk, you essentially eliminate deskside support," Bodeman said.

Security was another plus for thin clients, Bodeman said. There's no data on the user's machine, so it's harder to copy information, and if a thin client is stolen, no data goes with it.

Posted by Staff at 10:29 PM | Comments (0)

December 22, 2010

ChipPC sells Thin Clients to French Telecom

Israeli news service reports ChipPC has received followup order from France Telecom. ChipPC believes potential is much larger.

ChipPC sells Thin Clients to France Telecom - Globes

ChipPC: The deal can lead to the delivery of thousands of thin client computers to France Telecom in other countries.

22 December 10 13:05, Globes' correspondent

Chip PC Technologies Ltd. (TASE:CPPC) has received a follow-on order from France Telecom SA (NYSE; Euronext: FTE) for thousands of thin client computers. ChipPC has already delivered 1,000 thin client computers under a previous order.

The orders are worth NIS 2.5 million altogether.

ChipPC believes that winning the France Telecom tender could potentially lead to the delivery of thousands of thin client computers to France Telecom in other countries.

ChipPC's share price rose 6.3% by midday to NIS 0.37, giving a market cap of NIS 18 million.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes-online.com - on December 22, 2010

ChipPC sells Thin Clients to France Telecom - Globes

Posted by Staff at 02:20 PM | Comments (0)

December 13, 2010

IGEL thin clients will be used to help the homeless across London this Christmas

Reading, UK. December 13, 2010: IGEL is donating 240 thin clients for use in the Crisis at Christmas initiative running in London from December 19th. The IGEL thin clients will be used as information stations and internet telephones at 10 centres across the capital during the festive season, enabling thousands of CRISIS charity volunteers to make the greatest possible difference for more than 2,000 homeless guests.

IGEL aids Crisis at Christmas with thin clients

The thin clients are part of a total IT solution being provided to Crisis at Christmas by the Aimar Foundation, a charity founded to provide IT support to other charities. For the third year running, the Aimar Foundation is funding and setting up the information systems network, with help from global IT companies and the support of volunteers, principally from Morgan Stanley.

The technology will allow CRISIS volunteers to communicate and identify shelter for homeless people over the Christmas period as well as allow homeless visitors to get in touch with friends and family or use the technology to help improve their situation.

“We are providing IT expertise, through our volunteers and equipment to enable CRISIS to home, feed, clothe and advise those who, often through no fault of their own, have lost everything,” explained Terry Knott, CEO of Aimar. “It is essential that the CRISIS staff can communicate effectively to provide this lifeline at this very important time of the year, when so many have nowhere else to go. Those in need can also access the IT network, for additional advice and support. We are very happy to help Crisis and indeed any other small charity that needs our practical and expert support, at any time of the year.”

Simon Richards, IGEL’s UK General Manager, added: “IGEL has been very successful in providing thin client solutions to the charitable sector over many years and we were delighted to support the Aimar Foundation because of its great work and its association on this project with our reseller partners Intercept IT and SCC together with volunteers from our customer Morgan Stanley. The IGEL thin clients are ideal for Crisis at Christmas because they are simple and fast to set-up using our centralised management software, secure because all data is held on central servers and reliable because they have no fan or moving parts.”

For further information about Crisis at Christmas visit: http://www.crisis.org.uk/pages/christmas.html

For further information about the Aimar Foundation visit: www.theaimarfoundation.org

About IGEL Technology
IGEL Technology is the world’s third largest thin client vendor by revenue and is market leader in its home country of Germany (2009 IDC). The company produces one of the industry’s widest range of thin clients, based on Linux and Microsoft Windows, giving customers access to almost any form of server-based infrastructure and application including virtual desktops from VMware®, Citrix® Xen or Microsoft®, terminal services, legacy applications via Ericom® PowerTerm® terminal emulation, web, Java, SAP and VoIP. Form factors include traditional desktops and integrated LCD units as well as the world’s leading software for PC to TC conversion. IGEL Thin Clients come bundled at no extra cost with a remote management suite called UMS that guarantees hassle free and secure remote configuration and administration of thin clients as well as migrated PCs.

UK Press Contact
IGEL Technology
Dr. Frank Lampe
Tel.: +49 421 520 94 1300
Mobile: +49 151 12178475
Email: [email protected]

Paul Smith
The Amber Group
Tel: +44 (0)7770 828525
Email: [email protected]

IGEL aids Crisis at Christmas with thin clients

Posted by Staff at 03:20 PM | Comments (0)

November 17, 2010

NComputing Launches New Partner Portal

Newsletter from NComputing - new design for Partner Portal, meet the team,tech tips and news from around the globe. Notice show this week in Indianapolis, and next week in Rochester, NY.

Computing Launches New Partner Portal
The newly designed NComputing Partner Portal provides easy access to the tools that make selling NComputing easy.

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Tech Tips and Tricks
This week, NComputing Sr. Solutions Engineer Matt Allen reviews Process Explorer, a valuable tool designed to help you find and reallocate wasted resources on your host for a better user experience. Read Matt’s article.

Action Around the Globe

Thank you APAC resellers for a fantastic year! Thanks to your efforts, NComputing has been ranked #1 in enterprise client device shipments in Asia Pacific. Read the press release.
eWeek ranked NComputing as one of 16 “hot companies running under the radar” for technological innovation and global impact. Read the eWeek article.
Computer Aid International established a solar-powered cyber café in rural Zambia – more than 70 km from the nearest tarmac road. Read about the project.

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When a customer asks the age old question, "How would NComputing benefit my organization in a real world situation?" turn to an NComputing case study to provide the answer. Hot and dusty manufacturing facilities, budget strapped schools, paperless corporate offices and many other customer scenarios are available in the Success Stories library of the partner portal.

Visit the NComputing Partner Portal at www.ncomputing.com/partnerportal or register at www.ncomputing.com/register-partner today!

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Posted by Staff at 08:10 PM | Comments (0)

November 15, 2010

Reviews - ZDNet UK - NComputing L300

ncomputing_l300_200.jpgReview: NComputing's L300 is an excellent desktop provisioning option for small and medium-sized organisations requiring thin clients and managed desktops without the complexity of full-blown Terminal Services or VDI.

NComputing L300 Review | Thin Clients | ZDNet UK

Launched in April, the NComputing L300 is a zero-footprint thin-client for small and medium-sized deployments. Rather than rely on a hypervisor such as VMware ESXi or Microsoft's Hyper-V, the L300 is designed for use with NComputing's vSpace software to provide Terminal Services-style desktops for LAN-based users.

The L300, which has an 11.5cm-square foorprint, has a good set of connections for a thin client: 2 x USB 2.0 (for peripherals); microphone and headphone; 2 x USB 1.1 (for keyboard and mouse); 10/100Mbps Ethernet, VGA, 12V DC in, on/off

vSpace can be installed on servers running 32-bit versions of Windows Server 2003 and 2008, and Ubuntu Linux. If you're using Windows Server 2008 R2, you'll have to wait for the next vSpace release, which is expected to support 64-bit versions of Windows.

We installed vSpace on a server running Windows Server 2003 R2. vSpace does not require Microsoft Terminal Services or a Microsoft Terminal Services License Server to be running, which makes the server-side setup straightforward.

In contrast to enterprise-level VDI systems, the price structure for NComputing L300 is also refreshingly simple. You buy as many L300 client devices as you want, and NComputing's vSpace management software and all software updates are free. Prices for the L300 hardware start at £180 (ex. VAT), with discounts available for bulk orders.

NComputing's (currently 32-bit only) vSpace software provides Terminal Services-style desktops for up to 30 LAN-based L300 users per server or host PC

To install and roll out applications, you use much the same process as Microsoft Terminal Services: that is, a server administrator installs whatever apps are needed on the server, and provided the apps work properly in a Terminal Services setup, they will immediately become available to users.

For example, we installed Skype on our server and as soon as the installation was complete, a new Skype icon was automatically added to our L300 users' Windows Start menus.

Adding a new L300 to your LAN is as simple as plugging it in. The device will get its IP address from a DHCP server, and will automatically discover any vSpace servers on the LAN. Something to bear in mind when adding or relocating users is that although NComputing describes the L300 as a zero-footprint client, it does actually contain some firmware and can hold some user preference data.

We found the L300 took around 40 seconds to boot in our tests. Depending on how the L300 is configured, on boot-up the user will either be automatically connected to their chosen vSpace server or they will see an on-screen menu allowing them to enter their Windows username and the server they want to connect to.

In our tests we simply created new users on the Windows Server and added them to the Remote Desktop Users group. This workflow is somewhat simpler than the equivalent needed to add a new user to a full VDI environment.

Administration on the server is carried out using the vSpace Console, which is launched by double clicking its icon in the Windows System Tray and entering a password.

Based on the familiar Microsoft Management Console architecture, the vSpace Console is easy to navigate. For example, we could expand hierarchies such as Hardware Settings to get a list of client devices, and adjust settings for individual clients using the device's Properties screen.

NComputing L300 Review | Thin Clients | ZDNet UK

Posted by Staff at 09:10 PM | Comments (0)

November 14, 2010

Fujitsu's Futro C400 redefines multi workplace computing

c400.jpgFujitsu has revealed a new ultra thin desktop client, designed to allow multiple users access to full desktop applications

The Futro C400 is intended for use in schools, small businesses, libraries and anywhere the IT budget needs to be maximised.

The C400 units and displays have minimal hardware requirements for set-up and need just one single host desktop PC, along with Futro C400 units and displays for each workplace.

Depending on the PC's configuration, a single unit can host up to 30 simultaneous users.

"We have focused on driving down costs, using ultra thin client technology. The Futro C400 is ideal for SMBs and schools that want to benefit from a thin client infrastructure but may not have a server-based back-end," said Chandan Mehta, Product Manager at Fujitsu Technology Solutions.

The sharing of computer resources between users reduces management costs as software is managed centrally, making it easy to maintain.

Individual sessions are also secure and protected against intrusion from other users.

The Futro C400 has a footprint the size of a CD case and no moving parts, the unit is designed to use less power and be more energy efficient than other PC units. The computer also generates less heat and is totally silent in operation.
c400-2.jpg According to Fujitsu, if a device fails, it can be quickly replaced without the need for any manual reconfiguration, thereby minimising downtime and maximising productivity.


Posted by Staff at 06:30 PM | Comments (0)

November 02, 2010

Devon IT to Demonstrate New ARM-based FX1 Thin Client with Microsoft RemoteFX at TechEd Europe

Devon IT, Inc., a leading provider of thin client hardware and software solutions, today announced plans to demonstrate its upcoming ARM-based thin client – The Devon FX1 – at the Microsoft TechEd Europe, November 8-12, 2010 in Berlin. Devon IT will be exhibiting in the RemoteFX Pavillion booth RFX3.

Devon IT to Demonstrate New ARM-based FX1 Thin Client with Microsoft RemoteFX at TechEd Europe : VMblog.com - Virtualization Technology News and Information for Everyone

The low cost Devon FX1 is among the first devices specifically designed for Microsoft RemoteFX, a key virtualization capability in Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. The RemoteFX ARM-based client will allow users to take advantage of rich media features such as 3D user interface, full-motion video, animations, and portable graphics stacks like Microsoft Silverlight and Flash, and a diverse array of client-side devices.

"The ARM architecture has the best MIPS to dollars ratio in the industry; the smallest CPU die size; all the necessary computing capability coupled with low power consumption,” explained Greg Guerra, Vice President, Product Management, Devon IT. “The ARM’s small die size combined with its performance makes it a perfect fit for today’s thin client computing needs and, just as importantly, it is inexpensive and low in power consumption.”

Hardware accelerated RemoteFX decoding provides excellent performance while allowing to keep power consumption to an extremely low level. Devon IT’s new thin client implements RemoteFX decoding in hardware as well as software giving users a unique and flexible option in one low-cost device.

"As organizations continue to deploy a centralized computing architecture with virtualized or session-based desktops, IT professionals have to deliver a premium user experience to connected workers while offering users flexibility with an increasing variety of endpoint devices," said Manlio Vecchiet, Director of Product Management at Microsoft Corp. "Windows Server 2008 R2 Remote Desktop Services with Microsoft RemoteFX will allow remote workers to access any type of application or screen content, including rich media and 3D applications, and enjoy a local-like user experience over the LAN. Devon IT’s new FX1 thin client device will help deliver an innovative RemoteFX solution to enterprises looking to maximize their IT investment.”

“Devon IT has been a recognized innovator in developing cutting-edge alternative desktop technologies for the last five years,” explained Joe Makoid, President, Devon IT. “Our ARM-based FX1 running RemoteFX will offer users from a full, rich media experience while maintaining the power consumption, TCO and security benefits of a VDI environment across multiple client solutions. The combination of these benefits is yet another reason that we see thin clients paired with cloud computing and virtual desktops becoming a viable option for business large and small."

Historically the end-user experience has been a factor limiting the usability in some remote desktops. Microsoft RemoteFX gives an enhanced user experience regardless of the type of application (3D, web based video streaming, etc). Since RemoteFX relies on server-side rendering, it enables Devon IT to build simplified thin clients such as the TC Zero that do not need to be upgraded as new multimedia players or codecs are created. This allows customers to deploy low cost, highly secure, highly reliable and centrally manageable thin clients even to their most demanding users.

In addition to RemoteFX, Devon IT will also show RDP 7, which was introduced with Windows Server 2008 R2, running on its thin client DeTOS operating system. RDP 7 capabilities deliver next-generation media experiences, including multi-monitor support, support for Windows Media® Player redirection and bi-directional audio on a Devon thin client. The Devon IT FX1 will be available in 2Q 2011.

Source link

Posted by Staff at 01:44 PM | Comments (0)

September 21, 2010

Oracle Unveils New Sun Ray 3 Series Clients

Oracle announces new Sun Ray 3 series Clients.

Oracle Unveils New Sun Ray 3 Series Clients - MarketWatch

Secure, Convenient, and Cost-Effective Devices Are Latest Additions to Desktop Virtualization Portfolio

SAN FRANCISCO, CA, Sep 20, 2010 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- ORACLE OPENWORLD -- Oracle /quotes/comstock/15*!orcl/quotes/nls/orcl (ORCL 26.78, -0.71, -2.59%)

News Facts

-- Further enhancing its desktop virtualization portfolio and enabling customers to benefit from integrated, cost-effective, and secure virtualization, Oracle today introduced two new thin client devices:
the Sun Ray 3 Client and the Sun Ray 3i Client.
-- Oracle's Sun Ray Clients provide customers with a desktop computing solution designed to increase security, improve employee access, and reduce the maintenance, upgrade, and operational costs associated with traditional desktop environments.
-- The Sun Ray 3i Client includes an integrated high definition (HD) display; fast, flexible networking; five USB 2.0 ports; and enhanced usability. The Sun Ray 3 Client is the lowest-cost thin client offered by Oracle. Both deliver the benefits of the Sun Ray Client architecture: no local operating system to manage, integrated smart card reader, and a secure and energy efficient design.
-- The new Sun Ray 3 Series Clients are the latest additions to Oracle Virtualization, the industry's most complete desktop-to-datacenter virtualization portfolio; enabling customers to virtualize and manage their full hardware and software stack from applications-to-disk.

Sun Ray Clients: Revolutionizing Desktops

-- Sun Ray Clients differ from complex PCs and other thin clients as they have no local operating system, resulting in lower management and administration costs and fewer security vulnerabilities.
-- Sun Ray Clients can display Oracle Solaris, Oracle Linux, Windows, and many other server hosted shared or virtual desktop operating systems, without giving up features such as multimedia audio/video playback.
-- Using Oracle Sun Ray Software or Oracle Virtual Desktop
Infrastructure, thousands of Sun Ray Client devices can be managed from a single, centralized user interface.
-- With no local data storage, Sun Ray Clients help eliminate the possibility of data loss from damage or theft of the device.

Cost-Effective, Compact and Secure Desktop Virtualization The new Sun Ray 3 Series Clients offer an integrated smart card reader and energy efficiency with a Silver rating from EPEAT(R) and are ENERGY STAR(R) 5.0 Thin Client Category A compliant.

-- The new Sun Ray 3 Client features:
-- High-resolution monitor support, for standard and widescreen displays, and is capable of monitor resolutions of up to 1920 x 1200.
-- Full featured connectivity, including five USB 2.0 ports and Gigabit Ethernet.
-- Energy efficiency, with typical power consumption of six watts and up to 92 percent recyclable parts, the Sun Ray 3 Client has a mean time between failure (MTBF) of more than 22 years. These features help reduce environmental impact and lower total cost of ownership.
-- The new Sun Ray 3i Client features:
-- Integrated, high-resolution monitor, with 21.5 inch widescreen display and full HD 1920 x 1080 resolution, providing more desktop real estate for professional users. Also included is an analog video out port for use with video projectors.
-- Built-in efficiency, with up to 98 percent recyclable parts, and features a MTBF of over eight years.
-- Enhanced connectivity, with Gigabit Ethernet and USB peripheral connectivity including five USB 2.0 ports for enhanced I/O performance.
-- With the introduction of the Sun Ray 3i Client, customers now have a choice of screen sizes with the Sun Ray 270 Client's 17 inch integrated monitor and the Sun Ray 3i Client with its 21.5 inch integrated monitor.
-- Sun Ray 2 Clients will be available to order through October 2010 to help customers transition.

Supporting Quote

-- "Oracle's Sun Ray thin clients are true plug and play devices that offer a very high level of security with very low power consumption, enabling users to connect to their hosted desktop without the expense of a local desktop," said Wim Coekaerts, Oracle's senior vice president, Linux and Virtualization Engineering. "With the new Sun Ray 3 Series Clients, we are reducing power usage even more while continuing to improve the performance and experience for the user."

Supporting Resources

-- Oracle Virtualization
-- Oracle Sun Ray Clients
-- Oracle Sun Ray 3 Client Data Sheet
-- Oracle Sun Ray 3i Client Data Sheet
-- Oracle Sun Ray Software Data Sheet
-- Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
-- Relevant Blogs: Oracle Virtualization Blog, Wim Coekaerts, Oracle VDI

About Oracle Oracle /quotes/comstock/15*!orcl/quotes/nls/orcl (ORCL 26.78, -0.71, -2.59%) is the world's most complete, open, and integrated business software and hardware systems company. For more information about Oracle, please visit our Web site at http://www.oracle.com.

Trademarks Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.


Contact Info
Teri Whitaker
Email Contact

Kristin Reeves
Blanc & Otus for Oracle
Email Contact

SOURCE: Oracle Corporation

Posted by Staff at 06:39 PM | Comments (0)

Configuring Two Factor Authentication For Citrix Web Interface

Thinclient configuration for credit card authorization which meets/exceeds PCI compliance standards.

source article

Many organizations that process credit card payments must comply with the PCI (Payment Card Industry) security standard to help maintain the integrity of their systems. One of the technologies an organization can make use of to help in complying with this standard is to implement a multi-factor authentication scheme. WiKID offers a robust two factor authentication method based on one-time use passcodes. The WiKID server is based on the CentOS 5 Linux distribution. WiKID offers a free Community Edition, however several built in features are missing (such as RADIUS) that are needed to integrate with the Citrix Web Interface. WiKID Enterprise Server is offered with a 30 day trial and has all features necessary for integration with Citrix included out of the box. It has a reasonable price tag that is much cheaper than competing multi-factor authentication solutions. Facebook

In this example I will implement a WiKID server to provide an additional layer of authentication for Citrix Web Interface user logons. WiKID offers a prebuilt VMware appliance, however I had trouble getting this to work properly. At the moment my recommendation if you intend to set up WiKID in VMware is to set up a virtual machine manually using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit) as the machine type with a basic setup (512MB RAM, 5GB Hard Drive, and 1 NIC). Once that is complete boot using the WiKID Enterprise Server ISO.

source article

Posted by Staff at 06:14 PM | Comments (0)

September 03, 2010

Future of screen technology

User interface designers The Astonishing Tribe developed this video to showcase their thoughts on what the future of screens may look like. The highlights of the video include stretchable screens, intuitive content sharing, interactive surfaces, and hybrid digital mirrors.

Screen technology is now taking the next leap and the coming years imagination is the only thing stopping us. We will soon have dual screens, malleable screens, screens built into wifi connected mirrors, desks or backside of gadgets clothed with e-ink screens, tactile feedback, color screens with great contrast in sunlight, holographics/stereoscopic screens, color e-ink touch screens, or screens actually knowing where they are in relation to other screens thanks to ultrasonic emitters and microphones.

The Future of Screen Technology? (VIDEO)

Posted by Staff at 10:09 PM | Comments (0)

August 31, 2010

Zero Client Certification Program

Pano Logic Launches Industry First Zero Client Certification Program

Pano Logic expands end user resources during VMworld with a new program to train and certify partners on deploying zero client VDI across a range of network architectures

REDWOOD CITY, Calif. – August 31, 2010 – Pano Logic, the leader in zero client desktop virtualization, today announced a partner certification program to provide new users with additional resources that will help them quickly implement and test desktop virtualization with the Pano Logic zero client desktop virtualization solution. The inaugural class, comprised of representatives from Pano Logic’s global network of 300 authorized channel partners, will take place during VMworld and emphasize conducting and evaluating successful pilots.

The partner program expands the resources Pano Logic has invested in its channel, which handles nearly 100 percent of the company’s sales. The program will provide basic technical training on installing and managing Pano System deployments across a range of network architectures with an emphasis on successful pilots and evaluation services.

“We are strengthening the definition of what it means to be a Pano Logic partner, by providing additional technical training so they can in turn speed the sales process and expand their service offerings,” said Bryan Cox, Executive Vice President of Worldwide Field Operations. “With certified partners, we’re also providing our end users with additional resources to ensure their deployments are successful.”

The program also extends Pano Logic’s efforts to assist end users in their rollout of new virtual desktop deployments. The most recent move was the May release of the Pano Express, a pre-loaded, pre-configured 50-user suite combining VMware vSphere™ Essentials, Microsoft Windows 7 licenses, and server and storage hardware with Pano Logic’s award-winning zero client platform. Pano Express drastically reduces the capital costs (CAPEX) and complexity of implementing VDI deployments and eliminates the need for specialized skills or training.

Pano Express will be on display at VMworld in Pano Logic’s Booth, No. 306. Also during VMworld, two of Pano Logic’s Zero Heroes will present case studies in the Solutions Exchange Theater. Andy Fuss, Technology and Engineering Manager at CharterCARE Health Partners, will present his case study, “My Zero Client Story,” at 12 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 31. Tony Lux, Purveyor of Technology at Boulevard Brewing Company, will share his experiences, titled “Why I moved to Zero Client Desktop Virtualization,” at 12 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 1.

Pano Logic Zero Client Computing:

Pano Logic solves major challenges inherent in the current PC-based, client-server computing model, while providing end users with the same, familiar PC-like Windows experience.

End users connect to their virtual machine with a zero client that contains no processor, no operating system, no memory, no drivers, no software and no moving parts. This represents a major shift from highly complex and costly PC and thin client computing solutions.

Pano Logic radically reduces computing TCO by as much as 80 percent by completely eliminating endpoint device management, support and obsolescence and centralizing 100 percent of computing in the data center.

Pano Logic starts a $319 per seat and is also available in a pre-configured, pre-loaded all-in 50-user suite combining VMware vSphere™ Essentials, Microsoft Windows 7 licenses, and server and storage hardware with Pano Logic’s award-winning zero client platform.

About Pano Logic
Pano Logic is the leader in Zero Client Desktop Computing. Pano Logic's all-in-one hardware and software solution redefines the delivery and management of end user computing by radically centralizing desktop management. Pano Logic is a complete end-to-end solution purpose-built for desktop virtualization that deploys in under an hour and dramatically simplifies the complexity and management of virtual desktops and slashes computing TCO by as much as 80 percent. The Pano Device, a zero client, contains NO processor, NO operating system, NO storage, NOR any moving parts, completely eliminating endpoint management and security breaches. The Pano Device uses less than 5 watts of energy or 97% less than a PC, drastically reducing energy costs. To learn more, visit http://www.panologic.com

Media Contact:
Renee Deger
[email protected]

Posted by Staff at 09:39 PM | Comments (0)

August 12, 2010

24 inch LCD with integrated thin client

Example of large LCD with completely integrated thin client computer (AMD based here). The Samsung 24" is $680 out on Amazon. Figure $300 for LCD, that's about $400 for the integration.

More efficiency. More security. More reasons to install the Samsung TC240 23.6" thin client all-in-one LCD display. With Samsung thin client displays, all work is done directly off the server. You can keep your server continually updated and not worry about a team member not having the latest version. All thin client Samsung monitors are embedded with Windows XP, so no additional computer is needed. Security is more easily controlled both in terms of access and virus protection. The TC240 is packed with the power of an entire network.

23.6" Integrated Thin Client LCD Display TC240 - Specialty - Monitors | SAMSUNG

Here are specs for PC

CPU : AMD 210U (1.5 GHz)
OS : Windows Embedded Standard
Extra video memory (64 MB)
DDR2 1 G (optional)
Flash 1 G (optional)
[S / W]
Windows XP Service Pack 3
Internet Explorer 7.0
Microsoft RDP 6.1
Citrix XenApp
2X software
Altiris Deployment Software (Optional)
Serial Port
Parallel Port
Headphone / Line out port, Microphone in port
USB 2.0 * 4
1 Giga Ethernet
VGA in (for PC monitor), VGA out (for Dual Video)

Posted by Staff at 02:55 PM | Comments (0)

UK: Thinspace Launches TST1000 Zero Client

Thinspace, the UK’s only thin client computing vendor, has announced the launch of the TST1000, its PCoIP® zero client appliance for demanding corporate users with rich multimedia PC needs within organisations requiring cost saving, carbon reduction and security benefits of server-based computing.

Thinspace Launches TST1000 Zero Client

The TST1000 enables organisations, from 3D design workshops to world-class universities, to further reduce the cost of desktop IT, ease environmental compliance and improve security management, by extending highly controlled, server centric IT environments to power users of technology who would otherwise require expensive, high performance PCs.

Utilising the latest Teradici TERA1100 PCoIP zero client processor, Thinspace’s TST1000 is CPU-less, driveless, stateless and operating system independent. Working in a 1:1 environment, this solution delivers high resolution, full frame rate 3D graphics and HD media, with full USB peripheral interoperability provided locally over a LAN, or remotely via high latency WAN.

TST1000 is a unique client option that provides customers the flexibility they need to deploy end-to-end solutions with a variety of end point options to meet a broad range of user and business needs. This includes supporting all user types from task workers to mainstream office workers in a VMware View™ environment as well as the most demanding high-performance graphics or visualization application users on remote workstations.

Beyond reduced Total Cost of Ownership, lower power consumption (15 watts) and environmental benefits the TST1000 saves space on the corporate desktop and further aids productivity by creating noiseless workspaces.

Paul Craddock, Technical Director, Thinspace, said: “Organisations large and small are looking for ways to reduce the cost, but increase the control, of desktop IT. The TST 1000 enables them to extend their server based computing models to data intensive or multimedia applications that previously still required expensive local hardware.”

Markets for the TST1000 range from large organisations that need to provide multimedia content to many users concurrently, for example universities or training centres conducting computer based teaching, through to small graphic design or digital marketing companies looking to reduce costs but for whom rich media content production is critical.

“The TST1000 is the latest milestone towards Thinspace’s vision of replacing as much costly, high-maintenance and unsecure desktop PC hardware in the world as possible with beneficial thin client and server based alternatives,” said Craddock.

The TST1000 costs £330 and is available now from Thinspace authorised resellers.

PCoIP is a registered trademark of Teradici Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Company Contact Information
Rob Skinner
Suite 149, Silk House
SK11 7QJ
+44 (0)1625 821673

Posted by Staff at 02:48 PM | Comments (0)

August 06, 2010

Hardware - Nvidia ION mini-ITX

Cool hardware that we want to try out. This is Zotac iteration of Nvidia ION. Figure $100 for an O/S and it is under $400 for intelligent media playback/CPU with hard drive.

Your Everywhere Mini-PC

From the living room to the kitchen, the ZOTAC MAG delivers a premium multimedia experience. The ZOTAC MAG packs fluid high-definition video playback capabilities into a slim, compact system that is silent and perfect for all home environments.

Whether you want to process documents or catch up on the latest movies and TV shows online or offline, the ZOTAC MAG is up to the task with it's powerful NVIDIA ION graphics processor and energy efficient Intel Atom processor.

Model MAGHD-ND01-U
CPU Socket ATOM 330 - BGA 437
Dimensions 7.32in x 7.44in x 1.50in - 186mm x 189mm x 38mm
Memory Size 2GB RAM
Memory Slots 2x 200 pin DDR2 SO-DIMM
Memory Type DDR2 800 SO-DIMM
Onboard Audio Onboard 8-channel Digital Audio, Stereo Analog Audio
Onboard LAN Gigabit (10/100/1000 Mbps) + 802.11n Wireless
Onboard Video NVIDIA ION graphics processor
Package Contents LCD Mount,

I/O: VGA, HDMI, S/PDIF, Mic/Headphone, 6 x USB 2.0, RJ45, eSATA, SD/MS/MS Pro/xD Card Reader
Power Connector DC19V
SATA 160 GB hard drive
USB 6 x USB 2.0
Video Ports VGA + HDMI

ZOTAC MAG MAGHD-ND01-U Dual-Core All-in-One PC - MAG - Mini-PCs - Products

Posted by Staff at 03:09 PM | Comments (0)

August 04, 2010

2X ApplicationServer Selected as VirtualizationAdmin.com Readers Choice Award Winner

The leading virtualization resource site, VirtualizationAdmin.com, announced today that the 2X ApplicationServer for Windows Terminal Services was selected as winner of the Application Server category of the VirtualizationAdmin.com Readers' Choice Awards.

source link

"Our Readers' Choice Awards give visitors to our site the opportunity to vote for the products they view as the very best in their respective category," said Sean Buttigieg, VirtualizationAdmin.com manager. "VirtualizationAdmin.com users are specialists in their field who encounter various solutions for virtualization at the workplace. The award serves as a mark of excellence, providing the ultimate recognition from peers within the industry."
VirtualizationAdmin.com conducts bi-monthly polls to discover which product is preferred by administrators in a particular category of third party solutions for virtualization environments. The awards draw a huge response per category and are based entirely on the visitors' votes. VirtualizationAdmin.com users can submit their votes for the current Readers' Award poll in the site's left-hand bar.
To see the complete Readers' Choice Awards results, please visit: Readers' Choice Awards Results. ( http://www.virtualizationadmin.com/news/general/VirtualizationAdmin-Readers-C hoice-Award-Application-Servers-2X-ApplicationServer-Windows-Terminal-Service s-Jun10.html)
About 2X ApplicationServer for Windows Terminal Services
The 2X ApplicationServer tunnels any Windows application or desktop onto remote computers, including Mac and Linux desktops, without the need to install the application or desktop onto each user's machine. This provides significant savings on administration and support. Key features include:
- Application publishing, rather than local installation
- Tunneling specific applications rather than a complete desktop
- Publish applications to Web interface
- Publish Windows applications to Linux and Mac
- Multiple monitor support
- Automatic redundancy
- Application publishing based on username, group membership or IP
- Seamless integration with local desktop and taskbar
- SSL-secured connection to applications
- Universal printing and scanning
- Application license management
- Integration with 2X LoadBalancer
- Windows 2008 Server 32 / 64-bit support

The 2X ApplicationServer Version 8 was recently released, combining virtual computing technology and thin client management within a single application. New features include TWAIN re-direction, improved direct client settings management and the zero-management thin client feature. For more information on Version 8 features, please visit our blog post. (http://www.2x.com/blog/2009/10/virtualization/get-ready-for-2x-virtualdeskto pserver-and-applicationserver-v-8/)
For a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) comparison of the 2X ApplicationServer 8 vs. Citrix XenApp 5, please visit our TCO blog post. (http://www.2x.com/blog/2010/01/2x-product/2x-applicationserver/substantial-i t-cost-reduction-with-2x-applicationserver/)
(Due to the length of these URLs, it may be necessary to copy and paste the hyperlinks into your Internet browser's URL address field. Remove the space if one exists.)

Obtaining the Trial Version
2X is offering a 30-day trial version of the 2X ApplicationServer for Windows Terminal Services. After the 30-day trial period, users can still use the 3-connection free version by registering for the 3-connection license key on the 2X website. Download the trial version ( http://www.2x.com/applicationserver/download.html) today.

About VirtualizationAdmin.com
VirtualizationAdmin.com (http://www.VirtualizationAdmin.com) is a Virtualization resource site. It is a leading Virtualization site, attracting over 70,000 administrators and specialists a month. The site provides the latest Virtualization news, articles and tutorials by leading Virtualization experts, message boards, an exclusive FAQ, software listings and product reviews.

VirtualizationAdmin.com forms part of a group of sites run by TechGenix Ltd., including http://www.windowsnetworking.com - a comprehensive Windows Networking resource site; http://www.msexchange.org, a Microsoft Exchange Server resource site; http://www.windowsecurity.com, a Windows security resource site and http://www.isaserver.org, a Microsoft ISA Server resource site. For more information, please visit http://www.virtualizationadmin.com, or email [email protected].

About 2X
2X Software Ltd. develops enterprise server-based virtual computing software, enabling desktop virtualization and application streaming on personal computers and thin client devices. Its product line, which includes the award-winning 2X VirtualDesktopServer and 2X ApplicationServer, is easily scalable, installable, and manageable with straightforward licensing, resulting in product prices far below those of competitors. For more information, please visit: http://www.2x.com.
Ryan Pope, [email protected], tel: +1-866-970-6262
SOURCE 2X Software Ltd

Posted by Staff at 03:23 AM | Comments (0)

Alert Public Safety Solutions prepares to showcase web based mobile product, APSS Sentinel

Hilliard, OH (MMD Newswire) August 3, 2010 -- Alert Public Safety Solutions today announces the release of the brand new web based mobile product, APSS Sentinel

source link

"APSS Sentinel(TM) is a product we've been working diligently on to prepare to bring to market," says Steve Reames, Director of Sales. "With the current and established Partner(TM) product, we've successfully provided a great thick-client product but lacked the web based product to match. Now we have both to offer to clients based on their preferences."

APSS Sentinel(TM) is developed in Microsoft Silverlight(R), a subset of the .NET Framework and features a rich and pleasant user interface for the responders in the field. The client is completely agency/user definable. State/NCIC, CHAT - Mobile to Mobile, Dispatcher to Mobile, Mobile to Dispatcher, including private chat sessions and public forum Chat sessions are all standard, integrated features of APSS Sentinel(TM). Communication has never been simpler and provides all of the users the communication environment they have long awaited.

APSS Sentinel(TM) works along with our web service called APSS Sentinel Mobile Server(TM) that communicates all data through TCP/IP messaging. Therefore it can run in a thin based network. Air cards or any IP ready radio network is all that is required. Updates are provided seamlessly directly from the web server taking the time consuming update process for each mobile laptop out of the equation. Historically, this has been a nightmare. Time is too valuable to undertake the task of updating, in some cases, hundreds of laptops with this process taking days, sometimes weeks, to perform. Those days are over.

To find out more about the APSS Sentinel(TM) web based mobile product, visit us at APCO International Conference & Expo at booth #1311 in Houston, TX, August 1st - 3rd, or call 877-686-0911.

About Alert Public Safety Solutions

Alert Public Safety Solutions, Inc. offers a full suite of public safety software, including Next Gen 911, Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), Mobile Dispatch, and Records Management Systems (RMS), that is the next generation, taking public safety to a whole new level. Through the development of new software methodologies defined by Alert Public Safety Solutions' highly experienced development team, Alert Public Safety Solutions is dedicated in its mission of providing reliable and resource efficient solutions, while also maintaining the level of customer support public safety officials and the communities they protect deserve.

Additional information can be found at the company's Web site, www.alertpss.com or by contacting [email protected].

Press Contact:
Karen Schmitz
[email protected]

Posted by Staff at 03:20 AM | Comments (0)

VXL Launches Its Strongest Ever Line-up of New Itona Desktops

Global thin client manufacturer, VXL Instruments, launches its most comprehensive and innovative range of Itona branded thin clients to date. The new ranges include a wide choice of operating systems and deliver unbeatable thin client computing solutions for Cloud, Virtualisation and Remote Desktop environments.

Source link

Designed to strengthen VXL’s market position, as one of the world’s premier providers of thin clients, the new desktops are not only available now in India, but also through VXL’s highly successful European and US distributor network.

Arun Kumar Bhuwania, Chairman commented, “At VXL all we do is think thin. Being focused and listening to the voice of the customer means we’re able to offer a product portfolio that delivers an unbeatable combination of choice, performance, low total cost of ownership and worldwide customer support.” “Furthermore, with the improved reliability, productivity and data security benefits of server-based computing compared to conventional installations, this makes these thin clients an excellent proposition” he added.

Conveniently divided into three sectors, Entry-level, Mid-Range and High-Performance, the choice of operating systems, include SUSE, Sylph-OS, XPe, WES, Linux and Windows CE 6.0 and are supported by VXL’s own remote device management software, "XLmanage".

The Entry-Level product comprises the compact, Itona TC1430 and 1440 models. Energy Star rated, both include the LX600 chip-set, making them ideal for basic, task orientated usage, employing ICA, RDP and other established protocols.

The Mid-Range features the 15 xx Series (TC1520, 1536, 1526 and1540) and the 1 GHz C xx Series (C21, C23, C32, C35 and C42). Utilising the respective VX855 and CN896 chipsets, these represent the perfect choice for all office environments and offer good multi-media decoding capabilities.

The High-Performance range boasts the Csxx Series, Dsxx Series and Es xx Series. The 1.6Ghz, Csxx represents a faster version of the standard C series and delivers more raw processing power. The Dsxx and Esxx series incorporate the highly rated VX800 chipset that offers extensive support for local multimedia decoding and provides improved peripheral performance via high FSB (Front Side Bus), enabling superior functionality in any virtualisation environment.

Visit: www.vxl.net

Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available: http://www.businesswire.com/cgi-bin/mmg.cgi?eid=6374486&lang=en

Posted by Staff at 03:17 AM | Comments (0)

July 08, 2010

10ZiG First to Ship Thin Clients with Windows Embedded Standard 7

Phoenix, Arizona July 8, 2010 – 10ZiG Technology (www.10zig.com), the emerging market leader in development of Thin Clients and Network Appliances today announced that their Thin Clients are the first to ship with Windows Embedded Standard 7.

Windows Embedded Standard 7 (WES 7), the componentized form of the Windows 7 operating system, provides improvements in security, management and end user experience. Features include support for Windows® Aero® interface, video viewing in Windows Media® Player 12, IE8, multi-monitor support and bi-directional audio. The new Easy Print technology enables users to print to local printers without the need to install printer drivers on the server and allows for a more consistent printing experience between local and remote sessions. In addition, support for a more feature-rich RDP 7 offering accelerated bitmap rendering, multi-media redirection streaming, and network topology awareness allows for an enhanced experience in a virtual desktop environment.

Two new 10ZiG V-Series Thin Clients are available with Windows Embedded Standard 7. These units, the RBT-617v and XTC-6000v, are energy efficient, flexible, powerful and optimized for desktop virtualization with VDI clients pre-installed including Citrix XenDesktop, VMware View 4 with PCoIP, or Quest vWorkspace.

“The availability of Windows Embedded Standard 7 on 10ZiG Thin Clients displays our ability to quickly meet industry requirements and we’re pleased to be the first thin client vendor to make this release available,” comments Martin Pladgeman, President, 10ZiG Technology. “The increased security features, easier management and enhancements for a VDI environment found in our WES 7 thin clients add to our already impressive virtual desktop offering.”

10ZiG’s Thin Clients are available for purchase through 10ZiG’s resellers. Proof-of-concept demos are available. For a no-obligation trial or for more information contact 10ZiG toll-free at (866) 865-5250, send an e-mail to [email protected], or go to www.10zig.com.

About 10ZiG Technology
10ZiG Technology (www.10zig.com), formerly BOSaNOVA, Inc., is a privately held company headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. The company is principally engaged in the design and development of thin clients, security solutions, and network appliances. The company’s solutions include a highly refined user interface, remote management software, and performance optimization. The company’s products are sold through a worldwide network of IBM and CITRIX Business Partners. Industry affiliations include membership in IBM's PartnerWorld for Developers, Citrix Global Alliance Partner Program, VMware Partner Program, Parallels Partner Program and the Microsoft Partner Program. For more information, visit www.10zig.com.

Jennifer Phillips
Marketing Director
10ZiG Technology
Phone: 866-865-5250 x350
Email: [email protected]

Posted by Staff at 07:57 PM | Comments (0)

June 08, 2010

Online Thin Client Directory

Version one of online directory of thin client resources, software and hardware now published. Suggestions for addition/etc welcomed. See link in right column.

Posted by Staff at 02:24 PM | Comments (0)

June 04, 2010

BrightSign Digital Sign & Kiosk Controllers at InfoComm

Some cool stuff from BrightSign who will be at the InfoComm show next week in Vegas. Digital signage and kiosks and large touch screens without the PC. The BrightSign runs on linux kernel and is designed to playback/convert any type of video/media file while also supporting menu/touch systems. Under $500 Sweet&Cheap award.

Experience BrightSign at Infocomm in Booth #N2460

BrightSign invites you to experience BrightSign at the upcoming InfoComm show in Las Vegas June 9-11th.

BrightSign is teaming up with several content developer partners to demonstrate their innovative digital signage applications at its InfoComm 2010 Booth #N2460 next week. The partner demonstrations reinforce BrightSign’s commitment to offering one-stop shopping for a broad range of turnkey digital signage solutions that are easy to use and affordably priced.

BrightSign will also create a Retail Consumer Electronics experience in the Digital Signage Application Showcase Pavilion #N2061. The exhibit demonstrates impressive BrightSign driven digital signge provided by key BrightSign Integration Partners who provide value-added solutions and services for a multitude of digital signage applications.
Be sure to visit us at InfoComm for your own personal demonstration.

InfoComm 2010 Demonstration Highlights:

Retail Digital Signage Application Showcase - Booth #N2061

Replica video wall ticketing display as seen in FNAC, one of the largest international entertainment retail chains in France. TMM Communication has implemented close to 3000 BrightSign units at FNAC stores throughout Europe. This display includes four 47” HDTVs portrait-mounted as a large video wall and powered by BrightSign HD210 players.

Interactive product finder kiosk provided by MTI-Interactive promotes 6 different cell phones using a single BrightSign HD1010 controller. MTI. a pioneer in consumer retail merchandising, created uss their FreedomTM LP product lift technology and touch screen interactivity can enhance the consumer’s shopping experience and boost sales.

BrightSign Booth #N2460

Synchronized Two-screen Video Wall
A two-screen synchronized HD video program developed for BrightSign by The CSI Group out of Paramus, NJ will be featured. The CSI Group are experts in creating dynamic video content to attract attention while reinforcing brand messaging in both an entertaining and educational manner. This installation will be shown using two synchronized screens driven by two BrightSign HD210 players.

Interactive Prize-redeeming Kiosk
Direct Mail USA, a full-service marketing production company headquartered in St. Louis, MO, will demonstrate an in-store kiosk featuring its interactive Prize Wheel application running on a BrightSign HD1010 controller. As part of a complete marketing/promotional program that includes direct mail, customers are provided with a mail piece that has a barcode on it for redeeming a prize.

Synchronized Four-screen Video Wall
Celebrating over a decade of award-winning video production, funnelbox, of Oregon City, OR, produces commercials, marketing videos, web videos, tradeshow videos and DOOH content for some of the world's greatest brands. At the BrightSign booth, funnelbox will feature 4K content shot and produced to take advantage of a synchronized four-screen video wall run by four BrightSign HD210 players synchronized together via Ethernet.

SKU-activated Merchandising Application
Imaculix GmbH, a Zurich-based multimedia production house, will demonstrate the in-store interactive kiosk it developed for MBT, manufacturer of the revolutionary MBT footware. Driven by a BrightSign HD1010 controller, the kiosk uses Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and touchscreen interactivity to showcase the many pro-body benefits of the footware.

We hope to see you at the show, but you can always visit us online at www.brightsign.biz.

Best Regards,
BrightSign Team
email: [email protected]
USA: +1-408-852-9263
International: +44 1223 911842

Posted by Staff at 05:49 PM | Comments (0)

June 02, 2010

Opinion - Why VMware reps should embrace Pano Logic

Opinion -- By The Bell makes argument for why VMware reps should embrace zero clients such as Pano Logic instead of being resistant.

"We want to massively change the adoption cycle of desktop virtualization"

Bryan Cox, EVP Worldwide field Operationsfor Pano Logic

We've seen some VMware reps in certain regions across the country as being resistant to even mentioning Pano Logic. Because the zero client devices can utilize the Pano's connection broker instead of VMware View, they perceive it as a competitor. The lack of PCoIP protocol support further inflames their concern by removing what they consider to be a powerful sales driver out of the VDI equation. Since INX is both the VMware Solution Provider of the Year for the Americas and winner of the Golden Pano Award for three quarters in a row, I feel obligated to speak up about the misguided logic of this perspective.

Pano Logic Zero Client Devices

Pano Logic was founded in 2006 and is backed by Goldman Sachs, Foundation Capital and Mayfield Fund. Unlike thin clients, the Pano zero clients have no client OS, drivers, CPU, memory, local storage, moving parts, configuration or management tools or even firmware. It's a sleek little cube (in either reflective silver or black) that includes a Pano Button enabling users to reset their virtual desktops without going through an IT administrator. Pano supports native versions of Windows 7 or XP operating systems and supports most USB devices connecting to physical desktops. The Panos use about 3 watts of power.

Most thin clients were repurposed from Citrix/TS SBC devices to now handle VDI. They continue to require local or embedded operating systems along with ongoing management and configuration. Panos, on the other hand, were designed from the ground up specifically to work with VMware virtual desktops. And while it is true that Panos include a connection broker, they are also optimized to work with VMware View.

read rest of article

Posted by Staff at 07:46 PM | Comments (0)

June 01, 2010

Samsung 18.5" USB-powered LCD Monitor is Quite Something

Samsung now plans to roll out what we call the ultimate USB display - a bus-powered 18.5" LCD monitor running entirely from USB.

Mini USB monitors have been around for a while yet as their name suggests, they are rather small so their applications are often limited to widget and media player display. Samsung believes USB display religiously, and it has been an avid supporter of the technology. You can tell by the half a dozen of USB LCD monitors shipping since 2006. The company now plans to roll out what we call the ultimate USB display - a bus-powered 18.5" LCD monitor running entirely from USB.

The prototype LCD monitor is in fact the largest display ever powered entirely by just USB. This is possible all thanks to a new energy efficient LCD panel and edge-lighting LEDs. Both advances help to reduce power consumption to 6.3W. Admittedly, Samsung needed two USB ports to power the monitor; perhaps USB 3.0 could help in this matter. As for the monitor itself, the specs isn't that impressive with a 1366 x 768 16:9 widescreen resolution; 250cd/m2 brightness; and a contrast ratio of 1000:1. There isn't even a hint to the response time, though it's very unlikely the Samsung bus-powered USB LCD will be marketed a gamers' toy.

Posted by Staff at 09:51 PM | Comments (0)

May 27, 2010

Two New Industrial Thin Clients From Advantech and ACP

ALPHARETTA, Ga., May 25 /PRNewswire/ -- ACP announces two new ThinManager® Ready Industrial Thin Clients in partnership with Advantech - the UNO-2173-ACP and the ARK-1382-ACP. The 2173 has a 1.6 GHz Intel Atom CPU and the 1382 is a Dual Monitor Thin Client. We've looked at both of these units and they are very nice embedded units.

Source Link

Both units are fan-less, accept DC power between 9 and 35 volts and display video up to 1920x1440 at 16M colors. The small size makes them easy to mount almost anywhere - the ARK-1382-ACP is only 6.5" x 5.5" x 1.5" (165 x 135 x 41mm).

Thin Clients can be used to run any application in your plant - from small visual interface and maintenance applications to large control and information applications. The compact form factor provides a perfect way to view drawings, monitor production, review manuals or deploy your existing applications across the factory or throughout your whole corporation. No embedded OS means no configuration is required. The units never need to be re-flashed and, unlike a PC, will keep pace with your system demands for years to come.

ACP's ThinManager allows management of an entire factory of Advantech Thin Clients and Microsoft Servers from any location in the world and provides for client failover and redundancy, server load balancing, and application publishing. Use a single Thin Client to simultaneously view 25 (or more) sessions, and attach an IP Camera for live video feeds.

ThinManager Ready Thin Clients install in seconds almost anywhere, displaying maintenance and production information without any of the setup required when deploying standard PCs.
The centralized computing model greatly enhances security while slashing ongoing operating and replacement expenses and consuming a fraction of the power of a traditional computer deployment.

The UNO-2173 is an Energy Star compliant device and features a wide operating temperature (-20 ~ 70 degrees C, or -4 ~ 158 degrees F) and has 2 Gigabit Ethernet ports for redundant Ethernet functionality, 3 Com ports, 4 USB ports and audio.

The APK-1382 features 2 VGA/DVI ports for dual monitor configurations, 2 Com ports, 3 USB ports and audio. A different session can be displayed on each screen, or a single session can be spanned across both monitors.

About ACP - With close to 35,000 seats of its ThinManager product deployed since 1999, ACP has become the number one provider of thin client management software for manufacturing customers who need maximum flexibility and demand uncompromised reliability. More information is available online at www.thinmanager.com or by calling ACP directly at 678-990-0945.

About Advantech Corporation, Industrial Automation Group - Founded in 1983, the Industrial Automation Group of Advantech is a pioneer in eAutomation technology; combining connectivity, flexibility and ruggedness with today's most reliable PC-based automation technologies. The eAutomation Group is a leading Automation Product and Services company providing a full range of products to different vertical markets. 800-205-7940 or online at
SOURCE Automation Control Products

Posted by Staff at 09:39 PM | Comments (0)

May 12, 2010

HP Announces Mobile Thin Client at Citrix Synergy

HP today expanded its client virtualization offerings for businesses to help reduce the costs and complexity of client virtualization while improving the user experience.

The new offerings, announced at Citrix Synergy 2010, include:

The HP 4320t Mobile Thin Client is designed to meet the security and reliability needs of remote and mobile workers.

HP’s desk-based thin client line now features expanded multimedia capabilities.

HP has worked with Citrix to develop new virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) reference architectures for XenDesktop and XenServer that help reduce the threat of potential data loss or theft, lower the complexity and cost of desktop management, and provide end-users with the functionality of a stand-alone desktop.

The HP Compaq Elite 8000 Business Desktop and HP EliteBook 8440p Notebook PC are the first Citrix Ready platforms expected to support the recently announced Citrix XenClient hypervisor technology. Citrix XenClient support provides the power to deliver the most demanding business applications, while protecting of a secure, centrally managed virtual machine for business customers.

“HP’s comprehensive client virtualization portfolio allows customers to choose the ideal components for their infrastructure and user base,” said Jeff Groudan, director, Thin Computing Solutions, HP. “We are providing our customers with proven technology to fit their unique environments – from innovative desktop or mobile thin clients and traditional rich PCs that enable client virtualization, to our preconfigured and tested reference architectures that help customers design the right combination of hardware, software and services for their business.”

More secure and manageable mobility

As desktop virtualization adoption accelerates, there is an increasing demand for reliable mobile thin clients for remote users. The new HP 4320t Mobile Thin Client enables secure access to server-based virtual or blade PC computing solutions while providing the mobility of a reliable notebook PC. Users store data on a secure, centralized server – rather than on an internal hard drive – ensuring data is protected in the event a thin client is lost or stolen.

Adding to HP’s broad client virtualization portfolio of thin clients, VDI and blade client hardware, the 4.3-pound(1) HP 4320t features a brushed-aluminum metal finish for refined simplicity and durability with a clean appearance. Its sleek design includes a spill-resistant keyboard and integrated touchpad. Additional features include:

Low-profile, 13.3-inch diagonal LED-backlit 16:9 high-definition (HD (2) display for improved brightness, contrast and clarity
HDMI port for connections directly to HD displays

Flexible battery options include 6-cell Li-Ion battery for lighter weight or the HP 9-cell Li-Ion Primary Battery for extended battery life

Preinstalled Windows® Embedded Standard, File Based Write Filter and Enhanced Write Filter, and HP Virtual Client Essentials deliver greater ease of use for IT staff and mobile professionals

Enhanced Write Filter (EWF) helps prevent undesired writes to solid-state modules such as application installations and downloads

USB storage security options provide automated administrator control over USB attached memory device read/write access

The HP 4320t helps reduce the workload of IT staff with manageability features such as HP ThinState tools, HP Device Manager and preinstalled Altiris Deployment Solution software. Extensive integrated wireless technologies, such as WLAN and LAN, help mobile workers stay productive with ease.

Enhanced thin client multimedia experiences at the desktop

From corporate training to YouTube, Adobe® Flash-based video is abundant in business today. Yet Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) 6, one of the most common VDI protocols used by VMware View and Microsoft® Remote Desktop Services environments, does not natively support Flash. The new HP RDP Enhancements for Adobe Flash Redirection decodes and plays embedded Flash, enabling customers to enjoy enhanced productivity and communication benefits.

Available for HP Flexible and Performance series thin clients, HP RDP Enhancements for Adobe Flash Redirection decodes Flash media by taking advantage of client processors rather than server processors, thereby lowering the CPU load on the server. This also increases scalability, by allowing customers to add more users per server, and lowers the total cost of ownership.

Reducing the complexity of designing a VDI environment

The new HP and Citrix VDI reference architectures provide the functionality of a stand-alone desktop, while enabling unified management of both physical and virtual infrastructures from the same centralized console.

HP’s comprehensive reference architectures are built using the company’s extensive experience testing and simulating real-world workloads to reduce risk, deliver predictable results and accelerate time to deployment for new VDI environments.

The VDI solution developed by HP and Citrix supports more than 1000 users of XenDesktop 4.0, XenServer 5.5 or Provisioning Server 5.1. It includes HP BladeSystem c-Class or HP ProLiant servers along with Flex-10 virtual connect technology, HP storage and networking, and a choice of HP t5740 or HP t5325 thin clients, depending upon end-user experience requirements.

Each reference architecture can be scaled to meet changing business needs and can be complemented by a full portfolio of HP services including planning, implementation, support and hosting.

Pricing and availability(3)

The HP 4320t Mobile Thin Client is expected to be available in the United States this month at a starting price of $599.

The HP 4320t Mobile Thin Client will be on display at Citrix Synergy 2010. A hands-on demo of HP's industry-leading thin clients and software, the new XenClient architecture and other HP client virtualization solutions is available in HP booth 204.

HP RDP Enhancements for Flash Redirection is available today as a downloadable add-on at HP.com for $15.

About HP

HP creates new possibilities for technology to have a meaningful impact on people, businesses, governments and society. The world’s largest technology company, HP brings together a portfolio that spans printing, personal computing, software, services and IT infrastructure to solve customer problems. More information about HP (NYSE: HPQ) is available at http://www.hp.com.

Weight will vary by configuration.
HD content required to view HD images.
Estimated U.S. list prices. Actual prices may vary.

Posted by Staff at 09:50 PM | Comments (0)

April 27, 2010

Ubuntu Support from DisklessWorkstations and LTSP Thin Clients

DisklessWorkstations.com Bundles Support for the Ubuntu Operating System with LTSP Thin Clients

TROY, Mich., April 27 /PRNewswire/ -- DisklessWorkstations.com, a leading supplier of thin client hardware and solutions for open source thin client environments announces Bundled LTSP Support. Bundled support is included as part of LTSP Thin Client purchases for use with the Ubuntu operating system (versions 9.10 and later). Bundled support incidents are awarded based upon the quantity of thin client devices purchased and are provided at no additional cost.
LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project), one of the most popular methods for delivering Linux on the desktop, can be challenging for someone new to Linux. Bundling support with DisklessWorkstations.com LTSP Thin Clients changes the support dynamic for new and experienced users, providing quick resolutions to common issues.

"As open source software continues to gain momentum in the IT marketplace, we continue to provide our expertise through support offerings paired with our thin client products. With bundled support we focus on eliminating barriers to adoption as well as providing superior value to those who seek to adopt Linux on the desktop," said Erick Tyack, CTO, DisklessWorkstations.com.

More information on Bundled Support can be found by visiting:

About DisklessWorkstations.com

DisklessWorkstations.com is a leader in Linux-based, thin client hardware, strategy and deployment. DisklessWorkstations.com provides cost-effective, powerful and reliable solutions for business, education, government, manufacturing and resellers based on LTSP's advanced thin client technology. Headquartered in southeastern Michigan, DisklessWorkstations.com combines unparalleled expertise with superior, reliable and easy to use thin client products.

source link

Posted by Staff at 06:17 PM | Comments (0)

April 20, 2010

Dukker Q&A on Numo & Microsoft

Five questions for Stephen Dukker, CEO of NComputing. There has been quite a bit of buzz over the $20 + hw chip solution for virtual all-in-one computing stations. We ask about pricing, Multipoint Server, and also partnership with Microsoft.

Questions i/we would like to ask Stephen Dukker...

Thinclient.org: When does Numo begin shipping?

Stephen Dukker: .. NOW

Thinclient.org: In what packages/configurations? Will I buy a 22" LCD from CDW with integrated Numo chip?

Stephen Dukker: LG will be selling NUMO based monitors in 17,19 and 20" monitors through channels in July

NComputing begins selling it's L300 NUMO based stand alone client in April at $159

LG has been selling Network monitors based on our existing X series Direct Connect technology since last September in the same 3 sizes..
Other 3rd party NUMO monitors will arrive in Q4 from several tier 1 Monitor and PC OEMs

Thinclient.org: How much?

Stephen Dukker: Stand alone L300 NUMO client retail from $159. Monitors start at $200

Thinclient.org: What do you think about Multipoint Server 2010?

Stephen Dukker: Great product. We fully support Multipoint and have a strategic partnership agreement with Microsoft to jointly sell and market our solutions together. We support Multipoint with both our devices and vSpace software. Multipoint is important because it not only represents Microsoft endorsing multiuser solutions for smaller organizations but for the first time offering a licensing model which makes multi user computing affordable with a low cost server product (WMS).

Thinclient.org: How helpful is your partnership with Microsoft?

Stephen Dukker: see above

Posted by Staff at 08:28 PM | Comments (0)

March 01, 2010

All-USB Thin Client Workstations En Route from Tritton

Everything USB reports new USB thinclient from Tritton on the way for use with Microsoft Windows Multipoint Server.

USB displays, network cards, hard drives and video cards are here, why not just a whole USB work station? Tritton has the answer to that question. The era of personal computer has peaked and people are now wishing for some more simplicity. Tritton has announced it is working with Microsoft to deliver that simpler future within the confines/garden of Windows MultiPoint Server. Combined with Tritton's SEE2 USB video technology, today's overpowered server computers can provide a full workstation environment to USB thin client workstations. The thin client architecture is already seeing a revival amongst institutional clients via VDI and other contenders.

Partnered with a Microsoft server product for ease of administration, simple USB 2.0 connectivity with no complicated wiring schemes and a workstation price point will make netbooks seem expensive. USB workstations could easily start as low as $100, and require that only a single server be maintained to serve entire offices. Desktop support staff requirements would be slashed right along side hardware costs as the only pieces to maintain are a server and physical connections to the devices. The MultiPoint Workstation 300 is an industry first, and can support up to 10 clients per MultiPoint Server. Due for release later this year expect to have one of these in front of you at some point in the next 2 years as a certainty.

link on Tritton to product

Posted by Staff at 05:15 PM | Comments (0)

February 26, 2010

Symbio Technologies Adds Wireless Capability to Stateless Thin Clients

NEW ROCHELLE, NY--Symbio Technologies (http://www.symbio-technologies.com) announced today that it has added wireless capability to two of its stateless thin client models, making them one of the few such products on the market. The diskless terminals, which boot from a tiny USB drive called The Symbiont Boot Stick, support the standard 802.11 b/g/n wireless protocols.

"A lot of our customers told us they needed to access their data and applications from various sites where there was no wired infrastructure," said Symbio's CTO Gideon Romm. "By offering wireless on our SYM5100 and SYM5100E models, we could answer that need and offer them a desktop device with a small footprint. These wireless units are perfect for use on mobile healthcare carts, for example, and in other places where adding new wiring is costly or impractical."

About Symbio Technologies

Symbio Technologies reduces the cloud computing revolution to a plug-and-play, appliance-based solution. Certified and accredited by the US Department of Energy, the security-hardened Symbiont Boot Appliance makes network deployments simple, consistent, reliable, and secure. With this technology, organizations can reuse existing equipment, connect to the cloud through numerous protocols, and meet their security objectives. Symbio's products are available worldwide through a network of distributors, value-added resellers and integrators in Australia, Canada, Chile, Egypt, Mexico, Pakistan, South Africa, and the U.K., as well as throughout the U.S.



Posted by Staff at 11:04 PM | Comments (0)

January 06, 2010

NComputing Launches sub-$100 USB Virtual Desktop at CES

As technological innovation emerges at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), NComputing announces the official launch of the industry’s first USB-connected virtual desktop. The U170 thin client taps unused computing resources to connect multiple users to one computer. Mantra is say goodbye to the old 1 person-to-1 PC standard!

The U170 plugs into a standard PC’s USB port, and with vSpace (NComputing’s virtualization software) enables another user to share that PC! Not only does the USB-connected U170 allow for easy set-up, but it is a seamless solution that mitigates high cost and poor performance – significant barriers to wide-scale adoption.

World’s first USB-connected thin client brings plug-and-play simplicity to desktop virtualization

Las Vegas, NV, January 4, 2010— The hottest trend in computing is desktop virtualization and California-based NComputing continues to set the standard for the rest of the industry. NComputing, which has already sold more virtual desktops than VMware, today launched the industry’s first USB-connected virtual desktop (model U170) at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.

The revolutionary USB virtual desktop is based on the simple fact that today’s PCs are so powerful that the vast majority of people only use a small fraction of their PC processor’s capacity. The U170 thin client taps this unused resource so that a computer can be simultaneously shared by many users.

* The U170 plugs into a standard PC’s USB port, and with vSpace (NComputing’s virtualization software, which is included) enables another user to share that PC.

* The U170 has connections for the additional user’s own peripherals, including keyboard, monitor, and mouse.

* Up to nine U170’s can be connected to a single PC and still provide a high-definition multimedia experience for every user.

* The U170 is extremely easy to set up and is ideal for schools, businesses, small offices, branches, and anyone that needs very low cost computer access.


“NComputing is completely revolutionizing the economics of desktop computing,” said Stephen Dukker, NComputing’s chairman and CEO. “We’ve already proven that there’s a huge market for desktop virtualization in larger organizations that have an IT department. And now with the U170, everyone can take advantage of the full power of their PCs.”

“We’ve been using the NComputing products for several years and have been extremely happy with the low cost and great multimedia performance,” said Jeff Thompson, IT administrator at EMSL Analytical, Inc., a leading US environmental testing firm. “The new NComputing U170 will make it even easier to install new stations or move them around – this is the future of desktop computing.”

Affordable, High Performance, Easy Set-up

NComputing has emerged as the global leader in desktop virtualization because it has built the only seamless solution that overcomes the three barriers to wide-scale adoption: high cost, poor performance, and complex setup. NComputing systems start at $70 and provide a perfect, rich multimedia user experience. And with the launch of the USB-connected U170, it now takes as little as 5 minutes to add another computing station.

The U170 is the latest in NComputing’s industry-leading virtual desktop portfolio, which also includes the Ethernet-based L-series and the PCI-based X-series. Unlike other desktop virtualization solutions, which offer either the hardware or the software, only NComputing provides both the hardware and the virtualization software in a seamless solution.

Lowered Operating Expenses

Over 2 million NComputing virtual desktops have been sold around the world. In addition to lower purchase costs, NComputing also lowers ongoing operating expenses. For example, NComputing devices only use 1 to 5 watts of electricity (compared to 110 watts or more for a stand-alone PC), resulting in a 90% cut in electricity costs. NComputing also shrinks the crippling cost of PC obsolescence by reducing the number of PCs that need to be replaced every few years.

Pricing and Availability

The U170 will be available through NComputing’s global dealer and reseller network in February and will be priced under $99 (prices may vary by country).

NComputing has won numerous prestigious awards for its technology, from The Wall Street Journal, Frost & Sullivan, CES, Gartner, PC Quest, and others.

About NComputing, Inc.
NComputing, Inc. is the fastest growing desktop virtualization company in the world with millions of users in 140 countries. The company's award-winning, patented technology lowers desktop computing costs, improves manageability, and reduces both energy consumption and e-waste. It is the perfect solution for leveraging the power and potential of PCs and cloud computing. To learn more about NComputing, visit http://www.ncomputing.com.


NComputing, desktop virtualization, virtual desktops, thin client, U170


NComputing Website: www.ncomputing.com

NComputing Solution Site: http://ncomputing.com/Solutions/Howitworks/tabid/505/language/en-US/Default.aspx

NComputing U-Series Site: http://www.ncomputing.com/Solutions/Useries.aspx

NComputing Energy Savings Site: http://ncomputing.com/GreenComputing/Greencomputing.aspx

NComputing L-Series Site: http://ncomputing.com/Lseries.aspx

NComputing X-Series Site: http://ncomputing.com/Solutions/Xseries.aspx

Frost & Sullivan, “Best Practices Hall of Fame”: http://www.frost.com/prod/servlet/meawards-hall-of-fame.pag


David Rand
NComputing, Inc.
[email protected]
Tel: 650-517-5806

Ramya Kumaraswamy
Hill & Knowlton
[email protected]

Posted by Staff at 08:37 PM | Comments (0)

December 17, 2009

Mainstream Boot Storage Takes Turn to Flash

Was out researching 10000 RPM drive configs available from Dell & HP and couldn't help but notice that they now both offer 64GB Flash hard drives as an option to the standard SATA. $112 upgrade from now standard 250GB. Life goes on.

Posted by Staff at 02:53 PM | Comments (0)

December 05, 2009

IGEL Thin Clients Support Touchscreen

IGEL’s Linux firmware now supports popular touchscreen monitors, including the LG L1730SF Monitor and the ELO 1915L LCD Desktop Touchmonitor.

New Firmware Adds Enhanced Hardware Support and Customization Upgrades

Reading, UK. – December 2nd, 2009 – IGEL Technology, the world's third largest thin client vendor (2009 by revenue, IDC), today introduced its new Linux Universal Desktop firmware adding support for new hardware, additional user customization options, and enhanced multimedia and virtualization functionality to its wide range of Linux-based thin clients.

IGEL’s Linux firmware now supports popular touchscreen monitors, including the LG L1730SF Monitor and the ELO 1915L LCD Desktop Touchmonitor. The convenient and easy-to-operate touchscreens paired with a reliable and secure IGEL Universal Desktop is the perfect combination for work environments, such as hotels, healthcare facilities, retail locations and manufacturing floors. Finally, the new firmware includes integration of Philips SpeechMike drivers, allowing users access to the latest high-end dictation technology and services from Philips.

With this new release, IGEL has made it easier for users to customize its range of five Linux thin clients. The new firmware includes the option for users to customize their desktop wallpaper, giving them a more traditional PC experience. The company has also added Dutch language support, allowing a broader set of international customers to work in their native tongue.

The new version also improves the multimedia and virtualization capabilities with support for Fabulatech USB redirection for RDP sessions and a Leostream Connection Broker client.

The latest Linux Universal Desktop firmware is available for download free of charge for existing customers at: www.igel.com.

About IGEL TechnologyIGEL Technology is the world’s third largest client vendor by revenue and is market leader in its home country of Germany (2009 IDC). The company produces one of the industry’s widest range of thin clients, based on Linux and Microsoft Windows, giving customers access to almost any form of server-based infrastructure and application including virtual PCs from VMware®, Citrix® Xen or Microsoft®, terminal services, legacy applications via Ericom® PowerTerm® terminal emulation, web, Java, SAP and VoIP. Form factors include traditional desktops, integrated LCD units, quad screens and PC to thin client conversion cards.

IGEL TechnologyDr. Frank LampeTel.: +49 421 1769 1370Mobile: +49 151 12178475Email: [email protected] http://www.IGEL.com

UK Press ContactPaul SmithThe Amber GroupTel: +44 (0)7770 828525Email: [email protected]

Posted by staff at 04:57 PM | Comments (0)

HP Upgrades Thin Clients Directed Towards Windows 7

New configurations of the 57xx thin clients offered by HP which come with 80% reduction in energy use. Running N280 Atom and GL40 chipset from Intel. Eight USB and one PCI slot. From $199 up to $499.

HP is upgrading its thin client devices and offering an integrated approach to virtualized desktops as its customers consider upgrading to Windows 7. The decision to upgrade will prompt fresh thinking on virtualized desktops, predicted HP officials.

As companies consider upgrading employees to Windows 7, they are forced to consider an upgrade in aging PC desktops and laptops as well. A new Windows operating system often requires more hardware resources.

Even if it didn't, it would take the strain off replacing desktop hardware for the long run if virtualized desktops were implemented running in the data center, says HP's Jeff Groudan, VP for thin client solutions. With central servers doing the heavy lifting, the end user desktop can be lightened up, he said.

IDC analysts in a November white paper, "Understanding the Business Value of Centralized, Virtualized Desktops," agree. "Because little execution occurs at the edge in a centralized virtualized desktop environment, the computing architecture becomes less reliant on the horsepower in the endpoint devices," wrote analysts Michael Rose, Randy Perry and Bob O'Donnell.

In the past, when IT staffs looked at virtualized desktops as an alternative, they found a great deal of added complexity at a cost that was higher than simply equipping employees with PCs. "And the desktop service -- the quality of the display to the end user -- was not what people wanted," said Groudan in an interview.

All of that may change in 2010, as a recovery starts enterprises thinking about their aging end user machines. "There's a pent up demand to refresh PCs and desktops. The upgrade to Windows 7 will accelerate the hardware/software refresh rate," predicted Groudan.

HP is offering an upgraded high end thin client, the HP Flexible Series t5740 at $429 and t5745 at $399 are designed to cut typical end user device electricity consumption by as much as 80% while delivering a quality end user computing experience, said Groudan.

They run on the power conserving Intel Atom N280 and Intel GL40 chips. The thin clients support rich multimedia in both bright and dim lighting. They also provide eight USB ports and an optional PCI expansion module.

A low end thin client has been upgraded as well. The HP Essential Series t5325 is a power conserving device that starts at $199 and supports basic multimedia content.

Both types of thin clients come with ThinPro Setup Wizard for Linux and Easy Config for Windows, HP's set up tools to ease installation of thin clients.

HP will support both VMware View client virtualization and Citrix Systems XenDesktop 4 and XenApp virtualization in its Converged Infrastructure approach to virtual desktops running on HP ProLiant servers, storage and thin clients. HP expects customers to have many different types of end users and supports the multiple forms of desktop virtualization supplied by VMware and Citrix. It supplies a single management console for both brands, and allows implementing a set of centralized, virtualized applications for one group in the company, and individualized virtual desktops with varying applications for other groups.

"We expect you will have mixed environments across the organization," said Jeff Carlat, HP director of marketing for infrastructure software and blades.

Source on Information Week Dec 2

Posted by staff at 04:50 PM | Comments (0)

October 07, 2009

Zero Client Leader Pano Logic Releases Advanced Scalability and End User Experience

Pano System Release 2.8 expands desktop management capacity and adds dual monitor support while maintaining zero processor at the client.

Menlo Park, Calif. – October 7, 2009 – Pano Logic, the leader in zero client desktop virtualization(VDI), today announced Pano System 2.8, and Pano Dual Monitor, further enhancing the end user experience, expanding scalability and simplifying IT management. Pano System 2.8 improves the efficiency and convenience of managing deployments while doubling the number of desktops that can be controlled from a single management console. An easy-to-use backup and recovery capability improves the availability of larger scale deployments. Pano Dual Monitor is a USB adaptor that allows two display devices to be attached to the Pano Device for a multi-monitor user experience. Windows and applications automatically maximize to the physical dimensions of the display without any additional software required.

Unlike thin-clients that bulk up with processors in the endpoint, and add management burden, the Pano System provides end users with a full and dynamic PC experience without compromising simplicity by adding an endpoint processor. Today’s announcement emphasizes Pano Logic’s dedication to redefining the delivery and management of end user computing with innovative technology that radically centralizes virtual desktop management.

“We started with a modest roll-out and discovered how easy it was to deploy and manage desktops. Implementation and deployment per Pano Manager takes less than an hour. Day to day management has been decreased by at least 2 hours per PC. We have also decreased our PC deployment time to 30 minutes from 4 hours which is what it would take us to deploy a regular PC with all apps installed and ready for customer use,” said Kane Edupuganti, Director IT Operations & Communications with Saint Vincent’s Catholic Medical Centers. “As more people asked to be moved onto the Pano Logic system, we expanded deployment to 500. We look forward to deploying Pano System 2.8, and expanding our end user base.”

“Pano Logic delivers one very simple solution for IT managers to realize the benefits of zero client desktop virtualization,” said John Kish, President and CEO of Pano Logic. “By eliminating the endpoint processor and moving 100% of the processing power to the server, endpoint management is eliminated. Pano System 2.8 proves that simple VDI exists without compromising either the end user experience or simplicity for the IT administrator.”

The Pano System is an all-in-one desktop virtualization solution. The system includes Pano Device, a zero client endpoint, and Pano Manager, a unified management interface. The Pano System unlike any other desktop VDI solution radically centralizes 100% computing power to the virtualized server.

There is no processor, no operating system, no memory, no drivers, no software and no moving parts in the Pano Device, resulting in absolutely zero endpoint management. The lifespan of a Pano zero client device is over 3 times that of a thin client or PC. The Pano Device retains no data and is secure against any data-loss. Each zero client Pano Device uses less than 3 watts of power, just 3 percent of what energy efficient PCs use, translating into significant energy savings. The Pano Device connects over an existing IP network to an instance of Microsoft Windows virtualized on a datacenter server.

Pano Manager is a very simple to use web-based management interface that enables administrators to manage the entire virtual desktop deployment. The Pano Manager interacts with a lightweight service (Pano Direct) residing within each desktop virtual machine that links peripherals attached to the Pano Device to the unmodified Windows drivers residing in the virtual machine. This design guarantees that all existing Windows drivers will work without modification.

Pano System 2.8, including the Pano Device and the Pano Manager, will be available now with pricing starting at $319 per desktop. Pano Dual Monitor can be ordered now for $89. For more information, contact 1-877-677-PANO or visit http://www.panologic.com

About Pano Logic
Founded in 2006, Pano Logic develops an integrated virtualization-based software and hardware solution that delivers a superior desktop computing experience. The company is privately held and backed by leading investment firms Foundation Capital and Goldman Sachs. Pano Logic is headquartered in Menlo Park, California. For more information about Pano Logic, visit http://www.panologic.com.

Posted by Staff at 07:23 PM | Comments (0)

September 18, 2009

News: e-Newsflash from VXL - Faster Video

Notice and YouTube video on faster video processing on VXL units. It's a pretty good video comparison making their point that smooth playback is much better than choppy

VXL Models to be Ericom Blaze Enabled

Boost thin client performance with Breakthrough RDP acceleration software

Blaze is the exciting new product from Ericom which delivers graphics-rich content 10-25 times faster than Standard Microsoft RDP across WANs and congested LANs. It also reduces RDP bandwidth consumption by up to 25 times and optimises RDP network traffic.

VXL is delighted to announce that as of October 1st 2009, all VXL's Linux and XPe thin client models will be Ericom Blaze enabled. VXL has worked closely with Ericom to ensure.that VXL's Itona thin clients are optimised to run Blaze at peak efficiency. The client software will be embedded in the Itona models to simplify the deployment process after purchase of the Ericom Blaze licenses.

Side by performance comparison between Microsoft RDP and Ericom Blaze over a WAN connection. Click here to access a video showing the superior performance of Ericom Blaze.

YouTube demo

Ericom Blaze Highlights:

· Accelerates the delivery of graphics-rich content, e.g., browsers, Flash. PowerPoint etc. over WAN/LAN

· Fully compatible with all applications accessed using RDP, including graphic-intensive applications with rich user interfaces

· Accelerates and optimizes connections to all RDP hosts, including Terminal Services, virtual desktops and remote workstations

· Reduces RDP bandwidth consumption by up to 25 times, mitigating the negative effects of high network latency

VXL thin clients and Ericom Blaze will offer users an enhanced desktop experience and will reduce the barriers to the adoption of desktop virtualization. To arrange a free 30 day trial of Ericom Blaze please email [email protected] or contact us toll-free on 877 242 7801 or on 713 589 3273.

For more information about VXL thin clients then please visit our website

Posted by Staff at 05:20 PM | Comments (0)

August 28, 2009

10ZiG Expands Product Portfolio with Fastest, Small Form Factor Thin Client

10Zig Technology (formerly BOSaNOVA) has released a new line of thin clients based on Intel Atom N270 [Diamondville]. Dual core, low power and nice unit.

Phoenix, AZ – August 28, 2009 – 10ZiG Technology (formerly BOSaNOVA, Inc.), the emerging market leader in development of Thin Clients and Network Appliances announces today the release of a new line of high performance thin clients. The 5600 Series units boast the Intel Atom N270 1.6GHz Dual Thread processor making them the fastest, small form factor thin clients available.

Winner of the Citrix Ready Challenge for Best Form Factor Thin Client, the 5600 Series Thin Clients weigh just over 1lb. offering flexibility and speed. These energy efficient units are Energy Star rated and require less than 12 watts of power. Available in Linux, Windows Embedded Standard 2009 or XPe operating systems, the 5600 Series offers a wide variety of features including optional dual monitor support and internal wireless option.

“The 5600 Series has set the standard for next generation thin clients. These units offer the complete package – they are small, flexible, fast, and energy efficient,” says Martin Pladgeman, 10ZiG Technology President. “Thin Client computing has come a long way especially now with the increased interest in desktop virtualization. We’re excited to be part of that by offering high performance, energy efficient units and thin clients designed specifically for desktop virtualization.”

10ZiG Thin Clients are available for purchase through 10ZiG’s resellers. For a no-obligation trial or for more information contact 10ZiG toll-free at (866) 865-5250, send an e-mail to [email protected], or go to www.10zig.com.

About 10ZiG Technology
10ZiG Technology (www.10zig.com), formerly BOSaNOVA, Inc., is a privately held company headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. The company is principally engaged in the design and development of thin clients, security solutions, and network appliances. The company’s solutions include a highly refined user interface, remote management software, and performance optimization. The company’s products are sold through a worldwide network of IBM and CITRIX Business Partners. Industry affiliations include membership in IBM's PartnerWorld for Developers, Citrix Global Alliance Partner Program, VMware Partner Program, Parallels Partner Program and the Microsoft Partner Program. For more information, visit www.10zig.com.


Jennifer Phillips
Marketing Director
10ZiG Technology
Phone: 866-865-5250 x350
Email: [email protected]

Brochure link

Posted by Staff at 08:53 PM | Comments (0)

August 07, 2009

Promotion Offer - SoThin To Give Software to First 50 Schools and Colleges

SoThin is having a promotion where the first 50 schools and colleges that contact them qualify for 30 free licenses.

SoThin are offering the first 50 Schools or Colleges to contact SoThin Ltd free software. No catches, no financial commitments, just free software!

I know what you’re thinking "There’s no such thing as Free!"

Well this time there really is. Following a successful campaign recently, targeting the Education Sector, SoThin has decided that they will now offer 50 Schools, Colleges, Academies or Universities the opportunity to receive a management console and thirty client access licences as a thank you!

For more information:

Please contact [email protected] or call +44 (0) 870 199 5 199

More information

The SoThin Suite is designed to resolve day to day issues associated with modern, overcomplicated computer networks. It significantly cuts time IT Administrators spend on supporting and training users, troubleshooting and maintaining both FAT and THIN desktops. Products from the SoThin family allow remote user control, lock downs and easy configure single purpose, single application PCs.

This particular promotion is for our RemoteControl software which can be located at http://sothin.net/prod_remcon.html

SoThin® Remote Control™ is an advanced remote management and control tool for IT Support and Training.

This product gives IT Administrators the ability to control groups of users and computers from a single point simultaneously, guaranteeing huge time savings.

Posted by Staff at 07:38 PM | Comments (0)

July 17, 2009

VIA's Eden CPU In Fujitsu FUTRO S100 Thin Client

futro-s100.jpgHotHardware calls out new Futro from Fujitsu thin client. Low power consumption of 11 watts called out. VIA VX800 cpu. Completely solid-state. Linux eLux, VMware, Citrix and Windows CE.

From HotHardware

Friday, July 17, 2009 - by Shawn Oliver

We can remember a time when VIA was rarely mentioned when talking CPUs, but now the company has made a ferocious comeback that has its processors slipping into netbooks, small form factor PCs and now, Fujitsu thin clients.

Starting today, Fujitsu will utilize VIA's Eden ULV (Ultra Low Voltage) processor for its next generation FUTRO thin client series. Said chip will provide 500MHz of power with a low TDP of just one watt. The first FUTRO to featur ethe chip will be the S100, a completely fanless and silent thin client and virtual workplace solution.

VIA's angle is that more and more companies are selecting its low-power CPUs due to the benefits of going green, and in fact, the entire S100 system under full load will only eat up 11 watts. Richard Brown, Vice President of Marketing, VIA Technologies, didn't hesitate to brag about the occasion:

"Our VIA Eden ULV processors allow the creation of a new class of fanless and silent devices that are today seeing significant growth in the enterprise. The FUTRO thin client series from Fujitsu represents the leading edge of energy-efficient client computing, something we are proud to be a part of."

The Fujitsu FUTRO S100 thin client is designed for server-based computing and virtual workplace solutions and contains no moving parts, and aside from the 500MHz CPU, you'll also find a VIA VX800 media system processor, two USB 2.0 sockets, a VGA port, fast Ethernet and flash-based storage. There's also VIA's own Chrome9 HC3 graphics set and compatibility with a range of server client infrastructures including Linux-based eLux RL and eLux Lite, VMware, Citrix and Windows CE 6.0. Pricing has yet to be revealed, but it's available now for consumers who inquire.

Fujitsu thin client catalog

Posted by Staff at 02:43 PM | Comments (0)

June 06, 2009

Intel Enables Thin-But-Not-Pricey Laptops

120px-Hands.jpgLast week it was the Z530 with the US15W controller coming out in the Fit PC2 that excited us. Using just 6W of power and capable of operating at 80 celsius (and small enough to velcro to back of an LCD. Now Intel is coming out with CULV laptops? Couple with Google & Android it is beginning to look like a new cycle has started. Makes me want to dust off my old EO Communicator :-)

Source link on Cloud Computing

Really thin laptops are pricey and little netbooks are dumb. That leaves a space in the middle that Intel - in a money-generating segmentation exercise - means to fill with low-cost, skinny, full-featured hybrids" that are a cross between the two species.
Intel is predicting that the hybrid widgets will account for 20% of the consumer PC market by Q4.
The move has been interpreted as a defensive measure against the all-too-popular Atom - though Intel denies it. And then the Atom-less AMD is trying to peddle "value ultra-thin" notebooks and ARM has ambitions for its really cheap 3G-capable "smartbooks."

The Intel-conceived hybrids, running maybe $500-$1,300 and weighing two-five pounds, will be powered by a 1.3GHz CULV chip, a so-called consumer ultra-low voltage 45nm old-school Pentium processor - formerly called the SU2700 - that would stop Atom from eating into mainstream notebook sales and the others from making too many advances.

Like Atom-based netbooks, Intel expects the devices to be a runaway success. There could be 50 hybrid models out this year from all of the usual suspects.

They would have bigger screens than the netbooks' seven- to 10-inches, full-size keyboards, the power to do more complex things and the graphics to see it.

Battery life would be comparable to a standard laptop and they'd be no more than an inch high.

Like other Pentiums, the CULV has an 800MHz front-side bus, 2GB of L2 cache and burns 10W or less at peak.

Meanwhile, to confuse the issue, Intel has been showing off its next-generation Pine Trail Atom chip, a two-chip platform as opposed to the current three-chip because graphics have been moved onto the processor. That means a still smaller footprint.

Intel says it will also have improved performance, lower thermals, better graphics and longer battery life.

There are now more than 75 Atom designs on the market.
Intel got some sort of digital divide-addressing scheme going on in India called Project Blue that combines Atom-based nettops with WIMAX connectivity.

Posted by Staff at 03:17 PM | Comments (0)

May 27, 2009

HP Maximizes Benefits of Virtualization with New Mobile Thin Client and Enhanced Desktop Portfolio

Press Release: PALO ALTO, Calif., May 27, 2009 – HP today introduced an affordable new mobile thin client, as well as hardware and software portfolio enhancements to its thin client portfolio, to help companies improve security and productivity while reducing resource consumption.

The newly designed HP 4410t Mobile Thin Client provides enhanced security access to server-based computing and reduces IT workloads while still providing the mobility of a reliable notebook.

“We’re offering businesses a highly secure, manageable and easy-to-deploy virtualization solution that combines HP’s industry-leading thin client and notebook technologies,” said Carol Hess-Nickels, director, Worldwide Business Notebook Marketing, Personal Systems Group, HP. “The new HP 4410t Mobile Thin Client leverages HP engineering and design expertise to deliver true notebook performance that customers can deploy in the office or in the field.”

Enhanced security and manageability with HP 4410t Mobile Thin Client

HP Thin Client Notebook link

Since data is never stored locally, the HP 4410t Mobile Thin Client eliminates the risk of sensitive information getting into the wrong hands if the device is lost or stolen. This added security is critical for a variety of highly regulated industries, including distribution, education, finance, government, healthcare, insurance and manufacturing.

Additionally, Microsoft’s latest embedded operating system, Windows Embedded Standard with Remote Desktop Protocol 6.1, enables devices to take advantage of the latest security and enterprise management technologies from Windows Server 2008.

HP is the only vendor offering a choice of File Based Write Filter (FBWF) or Enhanced Write Filter (EWF), both of which are preloaded on the HP 4410t Mobile Thin Client. These features provide IT managers more options for enhanced security and increased productivity. FBWF adds flexibility by providing the same data protection benefits of EWF, while allowing administrators to save specific files, folders and configuration settings.

The new HP Privacy Filter accessory offers business professionals added security by narrowing the viewing angle of the display screen, so onlookers see only a dark, blank screen. Additionally, the HP 4410t Mobile Thin Client includes Wi-Fi certified WLAN(1) that provides enterprise-grade security.

Unlike other mobile thin client vendors, HP includes a wide variety of free, preloaded remote management tools that ease the headaches associated with supporting a mobile workforce. HP Device Manager and HP Client Automation join HP ThinState tools and a full license of Altiris Deployment Solution on the latest mobile thin client. These tools enable IT managers to easily deploy, configure and manage software, reducing technical support costs.

Rich multimedia experience and reduced resource consumption

The HP 4410t Mobile Thin Client delivers an optimized user experience while increasing productivity with the HP Virtual Client Essentials software portfolio. This full line of multimedia and brokering solutions includes HP Remote Desktop Protocol Enhancements, HP Remote Graphics Software display protocols and HP Session Allocation Manager network broker.

Noodles & Company adopted HP mobile thin clients to help with the rapid growth of its 200 restaurant locations.

“At Noodles & Company we rely on HP mobile thin clients to help us increase productivity and security throughout the company,” said Jeff Malm, enterprise manager, Noodles & Company. “These reliable and secure mobile devices allow our area managers to spend more quality time face to face with our growing team of restaurant managers. The area managers also enjoy the enhanced user experience, while IT benefits from the cost-efficiency savings.”

HP is the only mobile thin client vendor that offers an optional DVD-ROM, allowing users to watch a training video or other DVD of their choice, similar to a notebook. Additional highlights include:

· Starting weight of 4.3 pounds (1.9 kilograms) with a 14-inch diagonal widescreen, mercury-free, LED display

· Full-sized spill-resistant keyboard and integrated touch pad

· HP Fast Charge – battery recharge up to 90 percent in 90 minutes(2)

· HP Smart AC Adapters – save on equipment, power consumption costs and travel weight

Designed for recyclability, the HP 4410t is more than 90 percent recyclable (by weight) or recoverable (capable of not going to a landfill).

Enhanced desktop thin client features

HP announced several new features and software enhancements for its desktop HP t5545 Linux-based and t5540 Windows CE-based thin clients. The enhancements offer easier integration with VMware View and Citrix XenDesktop environments, stronger security, simplified setup and richer multimedia experiences.

The HP t5545 Thin Client, based on the HP ThinPro operating system, now offers a wider range of operational modes, useful for automating global images or profile deployment. Local mode is practical for creating and maintaining a master profile for large deployments, or for individual usage scenarios with unique access requirements. Persistent mode provides users with automated image or profile updates while retaining settings locally for faster, more reliable back-end access. Stateless Security mode protects sensitive back-end access data by storing all desktop settings remotely. Settings are automatically retrieved upon boot and removed when the local device is powered down.

Additionally, HP RDP Enhancements display protocol software is now available for all HP ThinPro-based thin clients, providing users with a single-logon, full-screen virtual desktop experience. Users simply log in to their virtual client session to enjoy real-time, network-based multimedia content with full stereo audio – such as interactive training, demos and live webcasts – across a variety of multimedia formats.

The HP t5540 Thin Client is now easier to configure as a VMware View client or Citrix XenDesktop appliance with HP Easy Update and HP Easy Config utilities. The two new software startup tools make it quick and easy for customers to identify and choose the latest image and configuration settings for their thin client, helping get new users up, running and productive faster than ever before.

These additions to the HP thin client lineup enhance HP’s broad virtualization portfolio and ongoing investment strategy in remote client virtualization solutions. HP’s client virtualization portfolio includes thin clients, virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) and blade client hardware, as well as virtualization software technologies such as HP Remote Graphics Software.

Pricing and availability(3)

HP 4410t Mobile Thin Client is expected to be available in mid-July for a starting price of $549.

Although not displaying the ENERGY STAR logo until early July, HP thin clients meeting the 5.0 specification in advance of the effective date are available today and start as low as $199.

HP Financial Services offers competitive leasing and financing options for customers looking to enhance their technology environments with HP mobile and desktop thin clients.

More information on HP Remote Graphics Software, HP Image Manager or any of HP’s client management solutions is available through HP and authorized resellers. Additional information about HP client virtualization is available at www.hp.com/go/clientvirtualization.

About HP

HP, the world’s largest technology company, simplifies the technology experience for consumers and businesses with a portfolio that spans printing, personal computing, software, services and IT infrastructure. More information about HP (NYSE: HPQ) is available at http://www.hp.com/.

Note to editors: More news from HP, including links to RSS feeds, is available at http://www.hp.com/hpinfo/newsroom/.

(1) Wireless access point and Internet access required. Availability of public wireless access points limited.

(2) When the system is off. When the PC is powered on, charge time may increase and will vary based on the workload of the notebook PC.

(3) Estimated U.S. street prices. Actual prices may vary.

ENERGY STAR is a registered mark owned by the U.S. government. Microsoft and Windows are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

This news release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. If such risks or uncertainties materialize or such assumptions prove incorrect, the results of HP and its consolidated subsidiaries could differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements and assumptions. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that could be deemed forward-looking statements, including but not limited to statements of the plans, strategies and objectives of management for future operations; any statements concerning expected development, performance or market share relating to products and services; any statements regarding anticipated operational and financial results; any statements of expectation or belief; and any statements of assumptions underlying any of the foregoing. Risks, uncertainties and assumptions include macroeconomic and geopolitical trends and events; the execution and performance of contracts by HP and its customers, suppliers and partners; the achievement of expected operational and financial results; and other risks that are described in HP’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended January 31, 2009 and HP’s other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including but not limited to HP’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2008. HP assumes no obligation and does not intend to update these forward-looking statements.

Posted by Staff at 03:25 PM | Comments (0)

HP 4410t Mobile Thin Client Introduced

HP announced a new, affordable mobile thin client today. The HP 4410t is based off of the recently released ProBook series and is designed with security in mind. Mobile thin clients look just like any other notebook, but lack local storage devices. Instead, they connect to a server to access files and applications.

The HP 4410t has a 14″ widescreen LED display and weighs in at 4.3

Losses of customer databases, social security numbers, healthcare records and credit card information can cost companies millions. Yet, many organizations allow their employees to carry gigabytes of this information wherever they go. Remove the hard drive and you pretty much eliminate the risk of losing valuable data.

As a computer enthusiast, a mobile thin client is the last device in the world I’d want to get on the first day of a new job. But thin clients are exactly what I’d want my health insurance agent or accountant to carry.

Last year, HP introduced mobile thin clients based off its Elitebook line, which is much more expensive than the ProBook line. The new 4410t will start at just $549, making it much more reasonable to outfit employees with thin clients.

I spoke with Jeff Malm of Noodles Inc. last year about how his organization uses HP’s mobile thin clients and he was very satisfied. The company’s area managers used to have desktop thin clients, which meant they spent a lot of time tied to their desks. He considered traditional notebooks, but decided against them because of cost, maintenance and potential security issues. He said he no longer really worries about one of his managers losing a thin client because he knows none of the company’s sensitive information will fall into the wrong hands. In terms of maintenance, his team can update the virtual machines without any downtime.

In an HP media release, Malm was quoted as saying: “These reliable and secure mobile devices allow our area managers to spend more quality time face to face with our growing team of restaurant managers. The area managers also enjoy the enhanced user experience, while IT benefits from the cost-efficiency savings.”

HP bundles a number of remote management tools with its thin clients that allow IT managers to easily mange the thin clients.

To learn more about HP thin clients, visit HP’s Thin Client page.
Here’s a video with an explanation of the new ProBook series. The ProBook in this video is a 15″ model, which is larger than the HP 4410t.

Source and video of unit

Posted by Staff at 03:22 PM | Comments (0)

February 03, 2009

All-In-One Touch PC for under $500

shuttle-002.jpg New sub-$500 all in one PC from Shuttle announced at CES2009. Touch screen, 15" LCD, ATOM 330 and Windows XP. Available in March. Probably won't win awards for durability and reliability but likely will be used as price hammer from bottom up.

Source link


Shuttle announced its X50 desktop at CES as well, a system with more than just a few similarities to the competition, namely its CPU, base RAM, display size and resolution, chipset, GPU, and OS. In case you don't know those by heart: 1.6GHz Intel Atom 330, 1GB of RAM, 15.6-inch,1366 x 768 resistive touchscreen display, 945GC mainboard, GMA 950 graphics, and Windows XP. The real difference is the hard drive -- the Eee Top sports a 160GB, the X50 just 80GB -- and the price point, with the Shuttle clocking in at $499 ($100 cheaper). Our take? We're starting to see the emergence of what amounts to the netbook desktop -- a one piece, low power system meant for the kids' room, the kitchen, or grandma's rest home suite. The Shuttle wins in the looks department, but don't make any fast decisions -- come its March launch, you'll be seeing plenty of these.

Posted by Staff at 03:21 PM | Comments (0)

July 27, 2008

Thin Client Compatibility Guide for VMware Virtual Desktop

Updated [7/25/2008] VMware hardware compatibility cuide released. Download file

Posted by staff at 03:41 PM | Comments (0)

July 25, 2008

CherryPal, the modern thin client computer

The CherryPal C100 desktop is dead simple to set up and boots in 20 seconds. Users just enter a username and password to access the CherryPalCloud, which offers an incredibly easy, intuitive interface. CherryPal has no exposed operating system, so all application and functions are managed solely by a Firefox-based browser.

CherryPal, the modern thin client computer
Jul 21, 2008 19:47

As they all say: "When it rains, it pours." Low-cost computers are all over, we have the UMPCs, the Netbooks, and now a thin client computer called CherryPal Desktop. I took the liberty of visiting its Web site (www.cherrypal.com) and this is what I found about the company:

"CherryPal was founded by German-born tech entrepreneur Max Seybold in 2007. Seybold envisioned a new computer that would be affordable and would not suffer from the viruses and constant hardware maintenance that plague traditional PCs. His idea was to develop a low-cost, energy-efficient, easy-to-use computer that takes advantage of existing Web 2.0 technology. CherryPal formed a partnership with chip manufacturer Freescale Semiconductors and rethought what was needed to create a high-performance computing environment. By starting from the ground up, they were able to strip out the inefficiencies associated with traditional PCs to produce Seybold's dream of a small, fast, affordable and energy-efficient computer.

With offices in Silicon Valley, the UK, and Hong Kong, CherryPal's team includes leading software developers and computer engineers from around the world.

The company claims that the CherryPal Desktop is the most affordable, easiest-to-use and greenest desktop computer available. Price is US$299 (13,455 peso).

CherryPal is the greenest and most affordable
The CherryPal desktop consumes just 2 watts of power, compared to the 114 watts of power used by the average desktop machine, delivering a 98 percent decrease in energy consumption. In addition, it also uses 80 percent fewer components, dramatically reducing the amount of resources it takes to manufacture a PC. And because there are no moving parts, the CherryPal desktop can last a decade or longer, eliminating the need to replace a computer every two to three years.

CherryPal is the easiest PC to use
The CherryPal C100 desktop is dead simple to set up and boots in 20 seconds. Users just enter a username and password to access the CherryPalCloud, which offers an incredibly easy, intuitive interface. CherryPal has no exposed operating system, so all application and functions are managed solely by a Firefox-based browser. CherryPal does all operation system and application upgrading and installation, meaning there is no maintenance required. Because there are no moving parts, there is little possibility of hardware failure. CherryPal also offers a free 24/7 helpline.

The CherryPalCloud innovation
CherryPal has removed the hassle from personal computing by moving most of the software and data that traditionally sits on the desktop to the Internet. Instead of accessing programs and data from your desktop computer, the majority of information is processed and stored on the Web in a highly secure environment called the CherryPalCloud, which is automatically accessed at bootup.

CherryPal software
CherryPal's operating system is based on a version of open-source Debian/GNU Linux that has been highly customized; the browser is based on a version of open-source Firefox. The CherryPal's browser supports all major browser plug-ins including Adobe Flash 9. CherryPal is using a 400MHz Freescale processor and runs Linux (Debian) and a Web browser.

I would love to see this in the Philippines, or maybe I can get one if and when my trip to Hong Kong pushes through. For now, maybe I can ask my fellow blogger Victor Cheung to give us additional insight on this CherryPal Desktop.

source link -- CherryPal, the modern thin client computer - CNET Asia Blogs: InfoChat by Jerry Liao, Philippines

Posted by staff at 01:43 PM | Comments (0)

July 23, 2008

Thinspace promises high-performance thin clients, under £300

Thin client vendor Thinspace is to introduce a new range of products next month, including the fastest desktop model on the market, the firm said.

Available from early August, the three new models include gigabit Ethernet as standard, and can optionally be fitted with an internal 802.11 b/g wireless card and a smartcard reader for secure login to server-based sessions or enterprise applications.

Thinspace said the TST600 will be the fastest desktop thin client on the market with a 1.5GHz VIA Eden processor and up to 8GB of memory. It is available with Windows CE 6.0 for £208, Linux at £202 or Windows XP Embedded SP2 for £299.

Paul Craddock, Thinspace senior technical consultant, said the firm had tested the TST600 with multimedia applications such as the BBC iPlayer, and found it capable of handling this and simultaneously operating a remote desktop session.

The TST450 is a mid-range model with a 1GHz VIA Eden processor and the same platform options. Digital video (DVI) and VGA outputs are standard on both the TST450 and TST600, supporting desktop resolutions up to 1600 x 1200.

At the entry level is the TST200 with a 500MHz processor, running Windows CE 6.0 or Linux.

All three models ship with an updated version of the Thinspace remote management software that allows for management of devices over local or wide-area networks. Administrators will be able to take a simple configuration update or a full device backup and then deploy that to similar devices on the network, Thinspace said. There is no additional charge for the management software.

source link

Posted by staff at 02:34 AM | Comments (0)

July 10, 2008

Thinclient on a USB stick

The Symbiont Boot Stick has arrived. USB stick plugs in and boots to thinclient.

For Immediate Release

Press Contacts: Lew Tischler David A. Kaminer
Symbio Technologies, Inc. The Kaminer Group
(914) 576-1205 (914) 684-1934
[email protected] [email protected]

New Symbiont Boot Stick Provides Direct Remote Access to Terminal Servers

NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y.--The Symbiont Boot Stick, which plugs into the USB port of any USB-bootable PC, laptop, traditional thin client or stateless thin client for direct remote access to corporate terminal servers, has been introduced by Symbio Technologies (www.symbio-technologies.com).

Smaller than a single piece of chewing gum folded over, the Symbiont Boot Stick was developed by Symbio Technologies, whose innovative approach to server-centric, stateless computing has won certifications, awards and contracts from the private and public sectors.

The Symbiont Boot Stick supports virtually any type of computer, and uses its own operating system to power the hardware and to connect the user to terminal servers. It has a web browser and can run an Adobe Flash presentation, making it ideal for connecting teleworkers, mobile workers, branch offices and students directly to their server-based desktop. And, because data is controlled by the IT administrator at all times, data breaches and losses are minimized.

A New Level of Ease-of-Use

The Symbiont Boot Stick was engineered specifically to bring a new level of ease-of-use to today's mobile world, said Gideon Romm, co-founder and CTO of Symbio Technologies. Administrators can intuitively configure the Symbiont Boot Stick with a few mouse clicks, and when the user plugs it in, it just works!

The Symbiont Boot Stick is a hardware-based plug-and-play thin client solution that keeps the administration in control of the network and the user in control of his or her time, he said. Administrators can even enable or disable the ability to store files on the Symbiont Boot Stick itself to meet the security requirements of their organization.

The bottom line is that the Symbiont Boot Stick is so easy to use that CEOs or CFOs can connect instantly to their office servers . . . even if a virus has crippled their laptops, mused Mr. Romm.

The new Symbiont Boot Stick has a one-year limited warranty and is available from Symbio Technologies' global network of value-added resellers.

About Symbio Technologies

Symbio Technologies is a leading developer and marketer of security-centric ?stateless? computing. Symbio's innovative hardware, software and services reduce the time, complexity and cost of deploying and maintaining computer networks. Symbio's secure, simple and environmentally friendly solution consists of Symbiont Certified Network Terminals -- also called "diskless thin clients" -- that connect to a network in place of expensive PCs. Symbio products are available worldwide through a network of distributors, value-added resellers and integrators in Australia, Canada, Chile, Israel, Mexico, Pakistan, South Africa, and the U.K., as well as throughout the U.S.



Posted by staff at 07:44 PM | Comments (0)

June 11, 2008

Technology - Review of Intel Atom CPU

Nice review on Tom's Hardware of newest CPU by Intel called Atom. The Atom cpu is also known as Little Falls. It picks up where Little Valley left off (LV is done this month and replaced by LF). Later in August the dual core version of the Little Falls (or LF2) is supposed to be available. Performance is somewhere between Celeron and Pentium and cost for cpu is under $30 (figure $90 for mini-itx).

For a few months, we’d been hearing talk of a new dedicated Intel processor for MIDs (Mobile Internet Devices), intended to compete with ARM processors. Initially known by the names Silverthorne and Diamondville, the processors in this new line will be called "Atom". These chips have a few surprises in store.

Read rest of the story

Posted by staff at 03:20 PM | Comments (0)

April 09, 2008

U.S. Department of Energy Certifies and Accredits Classified Network with Thin Clients/Boot Devices from Symbio Technologies

Press release for Symbio on recent certification by US Department of Energy.

For Immediate Release

Press Contacts: Lew Tischler David A. Kaminer
Symbio Technologies, Inc. The Kaminer Group
(914) 576-1205 (914) 684-1934
[email protected] [email protected]

U.S. Department of Energy Certifies and Accredits Classified Network with Thin Clients/Boot Devices from Symbio Technologies
Network for National Nuclear Security Administration Built with Off-the-Shelf Components

NEW ROCHELLE, NY, March 31, 2008 A classified network developed by the US Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) which included two key components from stateless computing innovator and leader Symbio Technologies, Inc. (www.symbio-technologies.com) has been certified and accredited by the U.S. Department of Energy. The classified network built from off-the-shelf components - included Symbio's diskless thin clients and boot devices, two of the most popular products Symbio offers as part of security-centric computing technology.

Symbio received formal notification of the success of the project earlier this week from Carlos M. Segarra PMP, technical director, Diskless Workstation Task Force of NNSA, a semi-autonomous agency within the Department of Energy established by Congress in 2000. NNSA is responsible for enhancing national security through the military application of nuclear science, and maintains and enhances the safety, security, reliability and performance of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile without nuclear testing; works to reduce global danger from weapons of mass destruction; provides the U.S. Navy with safe and effective nuclear propulsion, and responds to nuclear and radiological emergencies in the United States and abroad.

The National Nuclear Security Administration has received a Certification and Accreditation letter for its pilot thin client architecture to operate in a classified production environment, Mr. Segarra wrote to Symbio about the pilot program which began last summer.

Symbio's Symbiont Certified? Network Terminals -- small, stateless desktop devices, also called "diskless thin clients" which replace expensive PCs, were used in the pilot program along with Symbiont Boot Appliances, which can power, connect and manage up to 250 terminals each. The pilot program followed a year-and-a-half search by the Diskless Workstation Taskforce to identify a tool kit of commercially available products that would provide the highest level of security while using existing infrastructure.
The deployment of the pilot program was coordinated by Energy Enterprise Solutions (EES, www.eesllc.net), the prime IT services contractor to the DOE, and its subcontractor GTSI Corp. (www.gtsi.com) of Chantilly, Virginia, a leading IT infrastructure solutions and services provider to the U.S. government, and a value-added reseller of Symbio products.

The Most Data-Secure Desktop Available

Symbio was proud to have been selected by NNSA for this pilot project, and now is even more proud to have come through with such flying colors, said Lew Tischler, the company's CFO and director of worldwide VAR activities. Mr. Tischler said Symbio worked closely with EES and GTSI in the planning and implementation processes, ?with respect for how important it was to NNSA to have the most data-secure desktop available. Symbio is extremely satisfied with the certification and accreditation. Quite frankly, he said, we're absolutely and justifiably bursting with pride!

The Symbio solution works on a simple and basic premise: using stateless and diskless thin clients to create a virtual desktop, leaving the operating system, applications and all data on the server. In this way, just one computer -- the server -- can be secured much better and more efficiently than hundreds and thousands of individual PCs. Symbio?s stateless thin client products eliminate data stored on the desktop, creating a seamless solution with unmatched security and data theft prevention, while supporting industry-standard remote access techniques provided by Microsoft Windows® Terminal Services, Citrix and others.

Along with Symbio, other participants in the now-certified and accredited program included Citrix®, Dell®, Network Appliance (NetApp®), and nearly a dozen other top vendors.

About Symbio Technologies
Symbio Technologies is a leading developer and marketer of security-centric "stateless" computing. Symbio's innovative hardware, software and services reduce the time, complexity and cost of deploying and maintaining computer networks. Symbio's secure, simple and environmentally friendly solution consists of Symbiont Certified Network Terminals -- also called "diskless thin clients" -- that connect to a network in place of expensive PCs, Symbiont Boot Appliances, which can power, connect and manage up to 250 terminals each, and value-add subscription services. Users can connect to a variety of environments, including Microsoft® Windows Terminal Services, VMware® VDI, Citrix® Presentation Server, Linux/Unix®, NX Server, IBM® iSeries and zSeries, and virtually any midrange, mainframe or other legacy system. Symbio products are available worldwide through a growing network of distributors, value-added resellers and integrators in Australia, Canada, Chile, Israel, Mexico, Pakistan, South Africa, and the U.K., as well as throughout the U.S.

All trademarks are properties of their respective owners.


Posted by staff at 03:11 PM | Comments (0)

March 14, 2008

19" Thin Client in Panel-PC configuration

Igel has announced the Elegance 9319XP, a 19-inch thin client running Windows XP Embedded (XPe) on a 1GHz AMD Geode CPU. The company also announced new firmware and software upgrades enhancing manageability and Vmware VDI (virtual desktop infrastructure) compatibility.

The Elegance 9319XP resembles a standard display, and in fact has a VGA input, enabling it to be pressed into service as an external display for a laptop or other compatible device. The screen offers a 300-nit brightness rating, and resolutions up to 1280 x 1024 pixels.

Retail price with XPe is $1,120 (Linux is cheaper). Specs and image follow.

Thin client doubles as display


As a thin client, the 9319XP's onboard embedded computer is based on a 1GHz AMD Geode NX 1500 CPU. It has 512MB of RAM, of which 32MB can be used as video memory. There's 1GB of flash memory, allowing it to boot locally as well as over a network.

Supported network computing protocols include Microsoft RDP (remote desktop protocol, Citrix ICA (independent computing architecture), and VMWare's VDI. For remote workers, there's VPN (virtual private networking) tunneling via PPTP and L2TP, and even PPPoE (point-to-point protocol over Ethernet) capabilities.

Hardware features and specifications listed by Igel for the Elegance 9319XP include:

* Processor -- 1GHz AMD Geode NX 1500
* Memory -- 512MB of RAM, with up to 32MB of shared video memory
* Display -- 19-inch display with 1280 x 1024 resolution, supports external video input
* Networking -- 10/100/1000 Ethernet
* Other I/O:
o 1 x serial
o 4 x USB 2.0 (two side, two bottom)
o 1 x microphone
o 1 x headphone
o 1 x line-in
o 1 x VGA-out
o 1 x VGA-in
* Dimensions -- 16.6 x 16.4 x 7.9 inches
* Weight -- 15.2 pounds
* Operating temperature -- 50 to 104 deg. F
* Power requirements -- 100 to 240 VAC, 70W max

The Elegance 9319XP's software preload includes Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, .NET support, and a Java runtime environment.

Software upgrades

Igel also announced a new version of its Windows CE based thin client firmware. The upgrade boasts version 10 of Citrix's ICA client, with enhanced security levels and automatic connection to applications upon log-in. Another touted feature is a "Windows XP-like desktop." Users can toggle between an ICA session and a locally-running web browser.

Also new is an upgrade to Igel's central administration software that it bundles with its thin clients. Remote Management Suite version 2.07 adds a "built-in" Java database aimed at sparing smaller IT departments the onus of setting up an external database, Igel said. For larger departments, supported external databases still include Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and IBM DB2.


The Elegance 9319XP is available now for $1,119. A Linux-based version with 256MB of RAM sells for $989 as the Elegance 9319LX.

The Remote Management Suite and firmware upgrades mentioned above are also downloadable now from the company's website, here.

Posted by staff at 03:12 PM | Comments (0)

March 12, 2008

World's Smallest Linux Computer?

pico112x-100.jpg Now that is one small PC. About the size of a typical RJ45 connector, the Picotux comes with 32-bit ARM processor. uClinux 2.4.27. See www.picotux.com for more information.

Posted by staff at 05:58 PM | Comments (0)

February 23, 2008

In Our Opinion: Multiplexed Users on Windows XP and Server

The ongoing MS licensing dilemma for multi-user terminal providers (such as Ncomputing) took a new turn in January with written indication from MS that license terms do not permit multiple users under desktop systems (ie XP Pro).

Given the lackluster inroads Vista has made it is is also notable that it is Vista which is specifically referred to.

Still, it would seem with major expansion of Linux and other avenues that Microsoft somehow coming to terms with this is in their best interest. It's not often a major footprint is there for the taking (ie requiring just formulating license terms) especially as the market looks to Microsoft to capitalize and develop new markets.

Probably the first would be in the terminal server/winserver implementation but XP Pro would start a flood.

January 2008

This licensing brief can help clarify Microsoft’s licensing policies for the Windows Vista® operating system when there is potential for multiuser scenarios. The Windows® operating system (OS) license terms do not permit multiple users to access or otherwise use one licensed copy of the software simultaneously. Under existing licensing policies, multiple users violate licensing terms when accessing programs hosted on a single PC. Programs such as the Microsoft® Office System suite and/or individual Microsoft Office suite components require individual licenses for each device they operate on.

What’s New in this Brief
This is a new brief with no prior versions.

Windows desktop PC operating systems license terms do not permit multiple users to access or otherwise use one licensed copy of the software simultaneously. The following use models of multiple users simultaneously accessing a single licensed copy of the Windows XP or Windows Vista operating system are examples of mislicensed use of the product.

see microsoft.com for full text.

Posted by staff at 06:55 PM | Comments (0)

January 21, 2008

Panel-PC Integrated Thin Client from IGEL

Thin client solution from IGEL is integrated directly into Samsung 19" LCD. Supported protocols include ICA, RDP and VDI client. Choice of Windows or Linux (though obviously the Windows is more expensive)..

IGEL Technology Launches the Industry’s First 19-inch LCD Integrated Thin Client from a Major Manufacturer

Elegance 9319LX and 9619XP Provide a Large Screen, Rich Digital Services, Minimal Cabling and a Small Desktop Footprint

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--IGEL Technology today announced its new integrated 19-inch flat panel LCD thin clients using Samsung’s attractive and cost competitive hardware technology. Based on the Samsung® 19” LCD panel, the Elegance 9319 LX and 9619 XP are ideal for point-of-sale solutions or space-constrained environments in retail, financial services and healthcare.

Alongside a high quality display from one of the world’s leading flat screen vendors, the latest Elegance models contain a premium set of digital services including Citrix® ICA 10, Microsoft® RDP 6, a Leostream® VDI client for connecting to virtual PCs, terminal emulation, web browser, multi-media plus others. The Linux model also includes a VoIP client enabling one device to be used for both application and voice access. The new 19-inch Elegance models support smart card readers and the Linux version also supports Cisco VPN for remote access.

Bundled with every IGEL thin client is a full version of the IGEL Remote Management Suite. This powerful yet easy-to-use tool enables the remote management of all IGEL clients, saving money, time and hassle.

“These latest products combine Samsung’s LCD excellence with IGEL’s thin client expertise and simplicity of management,” said Stephen Yeo, worldwide strategic marketing director for IGEL Technology. “IGEL is the first major thin client vendor to offer a 19-inch integrated unit, and we expect this technology to be well received by customers who want to provide their employees with the best ergonomic access to corporate applications and data.”

The IGEL Elegance 9319LX and 9619XP are available immediately and cost $989 USD and $1,119 USD respectively.

About IGEL Technology

IGEL Technology is the world’s number three thin client vendor and the market leader in its home country of Germany (Q3 2007 IDC). The company produces the industry’s widest range of thin clients, based on Linux and Microsoft Windows, giving customers access to the richest set of digital services through the very powerful, IGEL designed, firmware. Form factors include traditional desktops, mobile tablets, integrated LCD units, quad screens and PC to thin client conversion cards. All IGEL thin clients come with the bundled, easy to use, IGEL Remote Management software, giving you maximum remote control with the minimum cost and hassle. IGEL supports the broadest set of digital services including terminal emulation, web, ICA, RDP, Virtual Desktops (VDI), Java and native SAP. All devices support smart cards for maximum security and this includes integration with Citrix Password Manager’s Hot Desktop allowing sub 10 second boot times for roaming workers.


IGEL Technology
Stephen Yeo, +44 (0) 870 3514618
[email protected]
US Press Contact
Greenough Commincations
Liz Boal, 617-275-6522
[email protected]

Posted by staff at 05:40 PM | Comments (0)